Movie Review: Bad Ronald - Absolute Madness

By: George Hutton | Posted: 29th March 2010

If you love a good creepy movie that has a shocking ending, then "Bad Ronald" is a great find. Way ahead of its time, this breathtaking movie of modern horror will leave you squirming every time you are alone in your own home. Based on a great idea, this is a rare treat of a horror movie that doesn't rely on any gratuitous violence, zombies, or mask wearing killers to evoke a horrible feeling of dread in the viewer.

The movie starts out with a high school kid who is kind of a geek. He lives alone with his mother, and unfortunately doesn't get on well with the other kids at school. If you were at all a normal kid, then you can easily empathize with how difficult this can be, as well as how cruel high school kids can treat each other.

One day while walking home, Ronald meets up with a cute girl. But instead of spitting some decent game, he mumbles and stumbles, and she, of course, teases him. Finally snapping, Ronald picks up a rock and bashes her in the head, killing her. Ronald is confused and shocked, and doesn't know quite what to do. So he runs home, and asks his mother what to do. Being a good mom, she tells him the best course of action. Hide the body, and hide from the cops.

So when they are finished hiding the body someplace, they build a hidden room for the unfortunate Ronald to hide out in. Due to its construction, there is a space between all the other rooms. They create a hidden door, and Ronald has to live in this small space. Because it is so well hidden, it is impossible to find this room unless you have the plans for the house. At first, everything goes as planned. He receives canned food from his mom, and he passes the time by drawing pictures on his walls and escaping into the fantasy land of his own growing insanity.

But then tragedy strikes. Ronald's mom becomes sick, goes to the hospital, and dies. Ronald doesn't know what to do, so he stays hidden in his secret room. He happens to have a good source of canned food, so he doesn't have to worry about food. This is where things get extremely mesmerizing. A new family moves into, complete with two teenage girls that Ronald finds attractive.

He cuts out holes in the walls, and spies on his new "family" while they go about their daily lives. He emerges for some nutrition, but is seen by his neighbor. Naturally, he kills her and hides the body, since that worked out so well also. As Ronald falls deeper and deeper into insanity, he comes closer and closer to contacting his new family. And when he does, suffice it to say that it doesn't go as well as he planned. This movie is based on a simple idea that evolves into its own brand of terror. Don't miss it.


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Tags: tragedy, insanity, mom, cops, mask, zombies, geek, horror movie, canned food, killers, fantasy land