Benefits of eating banana

By: komezino | Posted: 23rd March 2010

The banana, as we know, is one of nature's best sources of potassium. Potassium is known to significantly lower the risk of high blood pressure and related diseases like heart attack and stroke.
The average person consumes up to 27 pounds of banana per year. The benefits are long reaching and help to restore balance to the body system. Bananas are believed to prevent dangerous low density lipoprotein from oxidizing, which causes it to stick to the walls of the arteries. This accumulation can contribute to atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, a major contributor to heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure. Even one serving of a potassium rich food, such as banana, can rapidly lower your risk of stroke by up to 40%.
New research has indicated that bananas are helpful in ulcer treatment. They seem to act as a natural antacid. First, they stimulate the stomach's production of protective mucus which helps to prevent harsh acids from touching the tender stomach lining, thereby causing ulcer. Secondly, the protease inhibitor found in banana appears to eliminate the harmful bacteria that causes ulcer.
Bananas also contain electrolytes, which are essential for maintaining body fluid levels and preventing dehydration. It is estimated, that 30% of your DV of vitamin b6 is provided by one banana. Vitamin B6 keeps your nervous system in top working condition and boosting immunity.
Folate is also found in banana, which is needed for proper tissue growth, and can protect against birth defects, heart disease, and cancer.
To keep banana fruit fresh, one needs to keep them out at room temperature. If you are waiting for green bananas to ripen, you can speed up the process by putting them in a brown paper bag at normal room temperature. If the stored banana are not suitable for your consumption, you can deploy some other .
Banana remains one of nature sweetest fruit on planet earth. So buy a bunch today and stand a chance of living a healthy free life.

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Tags: high blood pressure, low density lipoprotein, folate, vitamin b6, planet earth, harmful bacteria, fresh one, tissue growth