Stressful Diets, how the foods you eat can help

By: lexxmarzain | Posted: 22nd March 2010

We all know how stressful dieting can be. You've been following the diet plan religiously for weeks and the results have been less than impressive. You're having a bad day work, kids the ever mounting pile of washing. That's when you hit the quit or win point. Do you hand in the towel and go back to your bad eating habits or do push on and keep to your diet.

One thing that causes a lot of people to give up on their diet isn't the fact they don't see major results quickly, it's the stress of trying to keep to something that doesn't come naturally to them. This alone can push someone over the edge and result in them giving up on their diet. Thankfully Mother Nature has a solution that not only helps reduce stress but is also a good healthy choice for anyone dieting.

Apart from our personal physiological stress relief's, alcohol, chocolate and smoking being among the most common and worst. There are many natural solutions for stress that can be woven into any diet plan and can help reduce or even prevent stress. The most effective of at stress relief are as follows:

Oranges packed full of Vitamin C, which can return blood pressure and cortisol to normal levels and along with its immune boosting properties helps to make us feel better all round.

Sweet Potatoes are a great substitute for our ‘sweet tooth' cravings and being a great source of carbohydrates, beta-carotene and fibre giving your body a steady energy boost throughout the day.

Dried Apricots, almonds, pistachios and walnuts are a great ‘on the go' snack. Apricots are rich in magnesium which acts as a muscle relaxant. Almonds are rich in vitamin B and E both are great for boosting the immune system while pistachios and walnuts help to lower blood pressure.

Turkey, not only a healthy choice for protein but also contain L- tryptophan. This amino acid is responsible for the release of serotonin the brains feel good chemical. L-tryptophan also has a calming effect.

Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which not only protect again heart disease but also keep cortisol and adrenalin from rising to dangerous levels.

Avocados are in no doubt one of the best heart foods. Monounsaturated fats and potassium levels in avocado make them the best option for lowing blood pressure and reducing stress. They also containing twice as much potassium as a banana of the same weight

Green Vegetables like broccoli are a power house of Vitamins and allow the body to absorb them quickly due to their natural sugar levels. It must be noted that the more you cook these vegetables the lower their vitamin content will be.

So next time you feel a bit stressed or just need a boost put down that chocolate and grab an avocado. Your heart will thank you and you won't feel like your letting yourself down by slipping up on your diet.
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Tags: stress relief, lower blood pressure, sweet potatoes, beta carotene, healthy choice, omega 3, diet plan, bad eating habits, boosting the immune system, energy boost, having a bad day, natural solutions, walnuts, cortisol, muscle relaxant