wendy williams show Dish Network

By: frankbilotta | Posted: 22nd March 2010

Wendy Williams, the popular radio talk show personality known for celebrity gossip and the catchphrase "How you doin'?" officially premiered her self-titled show (The Wendy Williams Show) to a national audience on Monday after a six week test run last summer. Those familiar with Williams' flamboyant persona and off-the-cuff style of conversation won't be disappointed. Williams doesn't attempt to be anything she's not, riffing via a stream of celebrity inspired consciousness while also answering questions from her audience. The hot topic, from Tuesday's program? Solange Knowles: her love affair with Twitter and the young singer's staunch defense of older sibling Beyonce.

When a female audience member voiced her frustration with Beyonce's overexposure, Williams quickly retorted: "Oooh! You're a hater!" If you're not already a fan of Williams, you just might be viewed as a hater yourself. Williams' style and approach to her television show requires prior knowledge of her celebrity. There's no attempt made to tone down the outrageousness of Williams, nor does she try to hide her extravagant sister-best friend personal. That's not an entirely bad thing, however. Williams does come across very personable. Though her show is saturated in gossip and rumor, its spin is quite positive.

As a program on its own, The Wendy Williams Show is scattershot. Williams relies on cue cards, oftentimes going several seconds without looking at the camera. That would be unacceptable in a high school video production, and it screams "amateur" on the national stage. Williams also appears a bit hyperactive--stumbling over words and cutting off her own sentences as she attempts to juggle her excitement for pop culture with her equally enthralled audience. When her audience erupted in applause, Williams proudly shouted, "Hello America!" and bowed. It's obvious that Wendy's long-time fans adore her, and that feeling is clearly reciprocated by Williams. How the rest of the nation responds to The Wendy Williams Show is another story.

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By: Frank BilottaAbout the Author
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Tags: hot topic, love affair, answering questions, overexposure, catchphrase, audience member, prior knowledge, celebrity gossip, twitter