Prepaid Legal: Identity Theft Shield

By: James Coffman | Posted: 18th March 2010

Identity theft is currently the leading white collar crime in North America. In the U.S. alone, millions of people each year are suffering from identity theft. You may even know a few of those people, or be a victim yourself. Those who haven't experienced it firsthand may not think about it until they spot it on the news. Unfortunately this complacency can lead to an underestimation of the risk and we're all at risk. Do you hand over your credit card to servers at restaurants, sign your credit card, supply personal information over the internet, leave mail at your home or business for the postal carrier to collect or shred unwanted mail containing personal information?

Identity thieves are opening bank accounts, taking out loans, and even committing crimes under other people's names. If you were to get hit by identity theft, it can be extremely complicated to get out of. There are several legal problems, negative marks on your credit, and you may have to shell out thousands of dollars in order to clean up the horrible mess. So, it's imperative that you either monitor your credit yourself or have someone else do it for you.

The majority of individuals don't realize their identity has been stolen until it is brought to their attention, maybe when they try to open a new bank account, apply for a loan, or use their credit card. What can you do about this?

The Prepaid Legal Identity Theft Shield is a solution that consumers can trust and is an excellent resource for full protection against identity fraud from a trusted name.

There are three essential steps to take to confront identity theft. The first is to make sure you have access to legal counsel that is readily obtainable. A Prepaid Legal membership provides affordable access to an attorney, and along with the Identity Theft Shield plan, can help watch over your most valuable, yet most vulnerable information.

The second is to monitor your credit activity on a frequent basis. The Identity Theft Shield protection plan provides continuous credit monitoring by Kroll Background America, the world's leading risk-consulting company.

Finally, have a plan for identity restoration. Kroll Background America experts are on your side and work to restore your personal information if identity theft strikes.

If you wait until you're a victim of Identity fraud, it will be too late. It can seriously disrupt your life for months and even years. The sad truth is that once your identity is stolen and the thief starts doing damage, you may have to spend months to get the damage the theft has done to your credit and your good name fixed. Frankly, if you wait until you've become a victim, you've waited too long.

The innovations we benefit from in today's world - internet technology, credit and debit cards, information at the push of a button, it's all terrific. But with these advances have come the capability for unsavory folks to discover information about all of us that can give them the key to our identities.

Don't wait to find out if you'll be a victim of identity fraud. By taking steps today to protect your family, personal information and your identity, you're protecting your own financial future. Prepaid Legal Services has an excellent anti-theft solution. It will give you the protection you need and provide you with confidence that your identity is secure.

Follow this link to get more information on any of Prepaid Legal's Services and the Prepaid Legal Identity Theft Shield. Prepaid Legal Services also has a business opportunity for those looking for supplemental income. Prepaid Legal Business Opportunity
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Tags: servers, thousands of dollars, credit card, consumers, fraud, bank accounts, thieves, crimes, loans, restaurants, complacency, north america, frequent basis, legal counsel, white collar crime