Watch Satellite TV on the Computer – How Can You Watch Satellite TV on Your Pc

By: raphking5 | Posted: 17th March 2010

Can you really watch satellite TV on the computer? It is possible to watch live television on the pc with the use of a special software called the satellite direct TV. This is simple yet powerful software that packs over 3500 TV channels from 78 countries around the world. I have used the same software for 2 years now and it still delvers although they have made some additions and updates.

To watch satellite TV on the computer at home, you first need to make sure it has the right specs. Your computer needs to have speeds of atleast 330 MHz to allow faster buffering of channels from the internet; otherwise it could be very disappointing trying to watch TV online.

To host live TV channels online, you need to have a pc cpu with more than 500mb of ram memory. This memory is needed so as to allow the computer screen to display the pictures without issues. Lower memory can lead to hanging of the pictures or freezing frames.

When you decide to watch satellite TV on the computer, you will also need to install a broadband high speed internet service. Internet television service only works best with high speed internet which can be in the form of DSL, WMCDA, HSPDA, T1, Cable, or wireless through a Wi-Max connection.

The advantages of watching satellite TV on the computer at home is that you get to watch TV channels as you work and don't have to leave your workstation. People sometimes prefer to just open a simple pc TV window and continue working on the rest of the screen as they throw a glance at the smaller pc TV window on their screens.

You will find that watching satellite TV on the computer is also very mobile. You can also download the software for pc TV onto your laptop and you are ready to watch home country TV channels even from Mongolia- the roof of the world.

Some of the programming you can expect to get when you decide to watch satellite TV on the computer include some of the rare TV channels including sports, sitcoms, comedy, news, documentaries, game shows, music, movies, classics and much more. There is even discovery channel and shopping television channels for the people with a flair for specialty viewing.

One of the reasons that I have retained my copy of the software is that I'm able to watch the nfl games every year including the superbowl. Infact I have saved several copies of the last two superbowl games for later reviews. I initially had issues while installing the software and their support service wasn't great by then. I however was able to solve that when I finally got through to them. They have since improved a lot on support and also put quite some few upgrades which I have all got for absolutely free of charge.

The software is easy to download since it's a simple program that does not come with any unwanted add-ons. Many of the other softwares on sale online contain a lot of adwares ad these people will always try to get you to buy something else while putting the fear of death at those that decide not to buy.

The user interface is also very easy to use and even a 3rd grader can get from point one to two at the least. The channels are grouped according to areas they are broadcast from and then according to the type of programming it offers. It's therefore very easy to find a good channel to watch when you know what you want to watch at that time.

The company website also provides a lot of information on the exact programs to expect and a long list of countries from where they are borrowed from. In addition you also get top read the many advantages of using the software to watch TV as compared to both cable and satellite TV services. You will also be able to read a lot of testimonials by people that have previously used the software to watch satellite TV on the computer online. This info can help you along when you want to decide whether to buy the software or not.

You can read more on how to watch satellite TV on the computer by following the links included in this article.

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Tags: powerful software, special software, satellite tv, countries around the world, high speed internet, sitcoms, live television, ram memory, direct tv, internet television, speed internet service, high speed internet service, television service, pc tv, live tv channels