Entertainment News: The Attack of the Digital Age

By: Shaun | Posted: 03rd March 2010

The world of entertainment news is divided into two worlds: one that existed before the digital age boom and the other, after it. By digital age, we mean all those equipments and technological progress that has shaped the industry of celebrity gossip as we see it today. There are many milestones on this journey. Some inventions and innovations have become synonymous with the paparazzi and the celeb gossip circles. Media of communication has also had a significant effect on this development. The most significant invention here is the cell phone.

Cell phones equipped with cameras and video capture facilities have changed the face of entertainment news. Anyone with a cell phone can now act as the paparazzi! Ordinary citizens are known to click pictures of celebrities when they don't want it to happen that way. A camera may not be with you all the time. But a cell phone is generally around. Cell phones have contributed toward celebrity gossip is ways than any other gadget has. Suddenly you had phone records and text messages being published in the celeb gossip columns.

The menace of cell phones is so great in the entertainment news section that many wannabe starlets actually keep text messages saved when they are dating top-notch celebrities. When the affair goes bust, they sell the text messages to celebrity gossip sites for a fat fee. Readers of the celeb gossip sites have much to rejoice because they get the authentic scoop and the insider's update, leaving no room for further speculation. The most recent example was Tiger Woods' numerous mistresses selling out his amorous text messages to the tabloids. It got him into deeper trouble and the readers into higher levels of relish.

Another significant digital technology that got the entertainment news tizzy with feverish excitement is the internet and computers. Celebrity gossip and news updates now raced across the globe and back forth in an instant. Internet allows real-time updates. It eradicates the wait for that fortnightly magazine and makes allowances for instant gratification. A celeb on a holiday with an illegitimate partner may find their snaps on celeb gossip sites the next morning, leaving no scope for damage control methods. With the internet, the paparazzi can go viral with a video capture without raising a sweat. It's all out there online. Enthusiastic readers can also check out the archives to follow a story better!

The latest gadgets that help entertainment news reports other than cell phones are high resolution cameras, better zoom facilities, CCTVs and other photography equipment. Those days of grainy photographs are long gone. You can find real high quality images on celeb gossip sites these days. Your favorite icons grace the covers of magazines and tabloids in all their finery. The paparazzi these days know that getting the picture isn't the only criteria these days. They have to take a good shot at it. And that is where modern equipments come in handy. The digital age is here to stay and the entertainment news sector will definitely benefit from its progress.

Jeebas Entertainment Blog has everything that you might want to read about celebrity gossip or Hollywood rumors. Jeebas redefines what you took to be celeb gossip and entertainment news. The paparazzi scoops on this blog are as close to real time as possible.
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Tags: text messages, wannabe, tabloids, tiger woods, time updates, relish, technological progress, paparazzi, digital technology, ordinary citizens, entertainment news, two worlds, video capture, celebrity gossip