Ways of Getting Pregnant After 40

By: Peter Yoo | Posted: 23rd February 2010

It is no secret that getting pregnant after 40 is more difficult than when you were in your twenties however it is not impossible to do. More and more women are putting off having a child until later in life for one reason or another but the benefits of you being older is that you are more likely to be financially stable and prepared to have a child. This may be a great aspect of having a child after 40 but the trick is getting pregnant.

If you are over the age of 40 and have been trying to get pregnant for at least six months without success, most medical professionals would deem you to be infertile. Being infertile is different than being sterile as there is still a possibility of you having a child if you are infertile. There are many treatment options for you but the very first thing you should do is seek medical assistance. Usually, the first thing a doctor will do is perform a physical exam of you and your partner to rule out any underlying medical conditions that is causing the infertility and also, the doctor will ask about your sexual histories. A treatment plan may come next, depending on your situation but it is around this time that you and your partner should have a discussion on how far you are willing to go with fertility treatments.

Treating infertility problems can be very emotionally draining as well as financially draining. Going away from the emotional aspect for a moment, many insurance plans do not cover fertility treatments so you should investigate what your plan covers and do not cover. This may be a deciding factor for how far you will go with fertility treatments.

Emotionally, you will have to decide where you will draw the line if treatments do not work. For example, taking fertility drugs such as Clomid is relatively easy as it is taken orally. But other drugs are injected. This may be fine and you may be willing to handle this but what about in vitro fertilization (IVF)? This is more invasive and it involves more money. If this is still fine but IVF treatments do not work, the next step may be undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) methods. The point is this: you must mentally prepare yourself for the possibility of being disappointed with the treatments as they may not work. No one wants to hear bad news but for your own mental health, it is a good idea to prepare now rather than being devastated later should you pin your hopes on a few treatments.

Getting pregnant is possible and many women have successfully brought a baby into this world. Keep an open mind and keep yourself as healthy as possible. To learn more about curing infertility in women, please take a moment to read this article and please visit pregnancyover40.tumblr.com for more information. Good luck and don't lose hope.
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Tags: money, six months, insurance, treatment options, medical professionals, medical conditions, physical exam, medical assistance, fertilization ivf, vitro fertilization, emotional aspect, insurance plans, infertility, fertility treatments, infertility problems, fertility drugs