800 Numbers can improve your marketing strategies

By: A James | Posted: 23rd February 2010

Many small businesses and home businesses find it difficult to present a professional image because there is a general perception that all small businesses are not reliable. However, one of the most effective and yet easy ways to project professionalism is through acquisition of an 800 number.

An 800 number is an open declaration to your customers that your business is based on professionalism and you seriously care for them. There are indeed many instances when consumers complain when having to pay long distance charges to call a company and an 800 number is a veritable boon.

It is also a fact that many 800 service providers offer systems that answer incoming calls with a professional business greeting. This is undoubtedly a great way to make your company project a much bigger corporation image.

You should also bear in mind that there is a huge proliferation of telephone lines and with it comes new area codes. If you have marketing material and customers that know your phone number, a change in an area code can spell disaster to all your customer relationship strategies.

With an 800 number this problem will cease. Even assuming you shift your business location, your 800 number will be there to ensure that your customers do not lose contact.

Yet another blessing is you can have calls to your 800 number forwarded to any other phone number, or even to few different numbers. This will not only ensure that you do not miss out on any incoming call but also give the impression to the customers that you are always in the office and available to be reached.

It is even more heartening to know that research studies have revealed customers are more willing to talk longer when calling an 800 number. Just having an 800 number establishes mutual trust and stability. To those who may not be aware, every single Fortune 500 company has an 800 number.

From the customer standpoint, 800 numbers provides an opportunity to inquire about your products or services at no expense to the caller. It is human nature to be attracted to anything free and it entices the customer to act now.

When considering activating a toll free number, please also remember the drawbacks. You will certainly receive more calls from customers that are not necessarily productive to your business. Since the customer has nothing to lose, they may be tempted to call even if they do not buy any of your product/services. Toll free lines also give customers the ability to inquire with several companies at no expense, thereby increasing your chance of losing the sale.

One of the best ways to utilize an 800 number is to create a vanity number. This can not only enhance your branding but your number will easily find a place in customers' long term memory. Most good toll free vanity numbers are already in use or are unavailable. It is difficult to search for toll free numbers that are available - more so, for vanity numbers.

ATT's web site has a useful tool for searching toll free numbers on any available prefix (800, 888, 877 & 866). Take your time and find a good vanity number that is relevant to your line of business.

Cyril Bird, an expert in the field of virtual telecommunications recommends checking out RingCentral.com a leading provider of 800 Numbers and Toll Free Number for small businesses.About the Author
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Tags: professional business, professional image, 800 numbers, professionalism, mutual trust, customer relationship, standpoint, fortune 500 company, home businesses, area code, telephone lines, boon, incoming calls, different numbers, area codes, long distance charges, business location, incoming call