A Moral Responsibility Towards A Noble Cause – Role Of Young Leaders!

By: Arush Keerthi | Posted: 23rd February 2010

-Endangered species

-Weather pattern has gone completely haywire

-No proper water management

-No proper management of industrial waste

-Burning up of fossil fuels

The whole of our eco system has witnessed an upheaval. Living creatures are getting choked due to the extreme climatic changes. This weather change is posing a great threat to the earth and its living creatures. If things proceed this way, very soon we will witness the dooms day. It is indispensable to find out a substitute source of energy so that there is not much of fossil fuel burning. It is also used in construction sites which are drilling a hole in the ozone layer. This protective layer which protects living creatures from the harmful ultra violet rays is now getting affected. There would be no protection from these ultra violet rays and it would further lead to the extinction of species. Don't we have a moral responsibility towards saving these unique species from getting extinct?

Extremities in climatic patterns have shown a rise in temperature in different regions across the world. One needs to find a solution to all these if not the world would come to an end. Future world is in the hands of the young leaders. They along with various dignitaries from different fields such as environment business, health, socio-economic and political background etc must come together to arrive at a common solution to all these. A moral responsibility towards a noble cause! But, this time it is going to be a unique one as it is on an international level. This is a global concern and all young leaders have to raise their voice!

Arush keerthi, Expert Author. For more information: Kofi Annan

Get more information on: Desmond Tutu
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Tags: proper management, climatic changes, ultra violet rays, construction sites, eco system, proper water