In Vitro Fertilisation - Summary Of Frug Regimes - Part II

By: Shirley M. Duran | Posted: 18th February 2010

Drug regime model III

This drug regime also lasts for one cycle only and involves a shorter course of LHRH agonist. It may be used for women for whom the more conventional regimes have not been so effective.

LHRH agonist

Start on day one of the cycle, and take for three days only.


Start on day four of the cycle and take until blood tests and scans show that enough follicles have grown to a large enough size, and the level of oestrogen is high, indicating the presence of mature eggs.


At this point the injection of hCG is given, usually on about day 14 of the cycle, followed 35 hours later by the egg collection.


Starts the evening of the egg collection and continues for 15 days, and the pregnancy test is done the next day.

Drug regime model IV

This regime lasts for one monthly cycle only and replaces the conventional daily dose of LHRH with a one-off injection.


One injection on day one of the monthly cycle.


Start once blood tests show the level of oestrogen is low and the lining of the womb is thin, usually on about day five of the cycle. Take until a number of follicles have grown and the oes¬trogen levels are high, indicating the presence of mature eggs. Usually this takes about ten to 14 days.


At this point the injection of hCG is given, usually on about day 14 of the cycle, followed 35 hours later by the egg collection.


Starts the evening of the egg collection and continues for 15 days, and the pregnancy test is done the next day.

Drug regime model V

This regime has largely been discontinued, mostly because of difficulties in controlling ovulation. However some doctors still use it.

Clomiphene citrate

This is provided from day two to six of the woman's cycle.


This starts between days two and six and lasts for ten to 12 days.

Shirley M. Duran is a mother of two and an author of a variety of related lifestyle issues

and topics with which has helped hundreds of mothers become pregnant. If you have any pregnancy questions for which you need answers, it is recommended to visit:

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Tags: presence, doctors, regimes, regime, blood tests, pregnancy test, ovulation, progesterone, lifestyle issues, womb, daily dose, follicles, clomiphene