RoboForm Pro Review

By: Dwight Anthony | Posted: 18th February 2010

If you are like me, you fill out a multitude of forms online everyday, not to mention remembering passwords and the like. Well, RoboForm Pro is here to save the day. This product has been rated a high 5 stars from trusted download source - CNET. This merchandise really shines and is a serious time saver. Think of the multitude of websites that require you to sign in everyday, like social media sites, forums, member sites, registration for new sites, online banking to just name a few.

This is a very monotonous and time wasting exercise of having to enter a username and password on each site that requires it. Let's not even talk of when you ‘forgot your password'! What a time waster that is, first you need to click on a forget your password link, receive an email for a reset/reminder, then finally get back to the site and login manually. Forget four passwords at different sites and this could easily cost you 20-30 minutes of your time online daily! Enter RoboForm Pro, possibly the best tool and utility invention since the light bulb. RoboForm Pro saves me so much time and makes things so effortless, I actually look forward to signing into these sites with a one click of a button. Genius!

What is so great about RoboForm Pro is that not only does it remember your usernames and passwords effortlessly, but it also uses its own secure encryption to secure them. That makes me feel a lot safer online, don't know about you. In fact, RoboForm Pro is one of the most trusted names online today for auto filling passwords and forms. Yes, let's talk about forms. Simply fill out your profile info. Once for your Name, address, email, and all that other good stuff and RoboForm automagically fills this out for you on registration forms and the like. You can even create multiple profiles for say if you also have an address in another country, simply make RoboForm do all the hard work for you.

Ok, so you can see that RoboForm Pro is one of the most useful tools on the planet, so let me point out some differences in the versions of RoboForm. When I first started, I was pointed to a link for the ‘Free' version of RoboForm (not Pro) and it was really nice until I got up to trying to save my 11th login online. That was when RoboForm gave me an abrupt message that the Free version would not store any more than 10 passwords online. This irked me a little as well perplexed my nerves, I then shortly looked into the ‘Pro' version of the tool. I was actually amazed, the ‘Pro' version stores a vast amount of passwords online. In addition here are some other benefits:

*Manage your passwords and Log In automatically.
*Fill long registration and checkout forms with one click.
*Encrypt your passwords to achieve complete security.
*Generate random passwords to maximize password strength.
*Back up and Synchronize Passwords between computers.
*Fight Phishing and Defeat Keyloggers.
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Tags: email, registration forms, time waster, 30 minutes, reminder, multitude, time saver, profiles, good stuff, genius, exercise, light bulb, invention, useful tools, usernames and passwords, encryption, serious time