When You Buy Candles, Here Are a Few Points to Consider

By: Brian | Posted: 11th February 2010

Many people buy candles without giving any thought to what they are buying. Well, candles are not that simple. There are some small considerations you should take into account when making your next candle purchase.

Before I co-founded my business manufacturing and selling beeswax candles, I researched and talked to a lot of people. I really never thought about scents when I would go to buy candles for our home. After talking to people, I could not believe how many said that either they were, or they knew someone who was sensitive to fragrances in candles. I also never really gave much thought to burning traditional candles made from a petroleum product in my home either. As my wife and I began to eliminate toxins from our house and tried to become more environmentally conscious, all these issues started to come to light.

Based on my research and my own opinions, here are a few points to consider when you buy candles:

Try not to buy candles with scents. One thing that a lot of people don't consider is that there are more people than you think that have sensitivities or are allergic to perfumes and scents. A lot of the cheaper candles will use artificial scents (chemical based) to create the baked apple pie or vanilla smell that you enjoy. If you do intend on buying candles with scents, it is best to purchase candles using essential oils. These oils are produced using a natural process from plant material. Typically beeswax candles will not add essential oils since the candles naturally emit a light honey scent when burned.

Make sure when you buy candles that the label states that there is no lead in the wick. Some candle wicks have been shown to contain lead or other metals. When burned these metals can create a toxic fume. Although lead wicks have been banned in the United States and Canada, some candles have still been found with them.

Consider buying candles made from environmentally friendly waxes. Traditionally, candles of the past have been made from paraffin which is a by-product of petroleum. Lately, there has been a strong presence of candles made from natural waxes. These waxes include beeswax, soy, palm and vegetable waxes. Beeswax is the only naturally occurring of these waxes, however, the other wax are considered to be friendly since they are derived from renewable resources.

It is best to stay as natural as possible when purchasing candles for either yourself or as a gift for someone else. It will be better for you and also the environment. Remember, if you are not sure how someone will react to a scent, it is safest to use an unscented candle.
Brian Stark has been pursuing a healthy lifestyle over the past few years and has been researching ways to eliminate toxins from the home. As part of his adventures, he co-founded wanna bee which manufactures and sells beeswax candles. Visit his website to read more about how to buy candles and some of the various benefits of beeswax candles.About the Author
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Tags: canada, toxins, essential oils, metals, wick, fragrances, perfumes, paraffin, vanilla, plant material