Insure Your Dream I in Insure

By: johndilemmeddg | Posted: 08th February 2010

Insure Your Dream
Without insurance, your dream is dead. Let me say it again. Without insurance, your dream is dead! We have home insurance, health insurance, car insurance, life insurance, all kinds of insurance to protect our "stuff." Unfortunately, most of us treat our stuff better than we treat our dream - our very reason for living. That's why 97% of people in the world are dead broke by the age of sixty-five and only 3% are successful.

Do you have dream insurance? You must have a rock solid plan in place to protect your goal and dreams before you can ever stand face to face with the enemy. For example, if someone challenges your ability to achieve your dream, what do you do? If you begin to stammer over your words and don't have foundational belief in yourself, then that person will steal your dream. When you have dream insurance, your success is indestructible.

I'm going to breakdown the word "insurance" for you and lay out a plan of action to protect your dream. If you physically take the time to prepare for a hurricane, then your house and belongings will be protected. Similarly, if you take the time to lay out a plan to protect your dream and make the decision to be in that top 3%, then your success is inevitable!

I in Insure
For 97% of the world's population, "I" stands for indecision. They can't make a decision. Go to any restaurant and you'll see this for yourself. When asked if they ready to order, nearly every answer will be - "No, I don't know what I want. Go on to the next person." They've had several minutes to make a decision about something as simple as what to eat, and they still can't decide! What do you think happens when they're faced with a real, life-changing decision? Nothing! They're paralyzed by fear. They're afraid of making a mistake. They ask other indecisive people around them what they should do.

Inside the word indecision is decision. Make a decision right now to develop and live free from the nonsense of the world. Associate with other champions. Never ever give up in pursuit of your dreams. Keep progressing towards the achievement of your goals and dreams and remain confident in your decision. The moment that you give up and listen to the enemy, you've quit. You've given up on your dream. You must never give up on your dream! God birthed that dream inside of you so that you could realize it and see its fulfillment. It's no mistake that you have big dreams for your life. Do yourself and the world a favor. Follow your passion. Follow what drives you forward. You owe it to yourself, to others, and to God.

While 97% of people are indecisive, 3% of people are inspired. Champions are inspired by their dream and their purpose. They are continually inspired and fulfilled and inadvertently inspire other people around them. Inspiration radiates from them, because they believe in themselves and their dreams with every ounce of their being.

When you're inspired, you take action. You see your dream, your vision, your goal, and you move towards it. Action is one of the most important factors in achieving success. You can visualize and say affirmations all you want, but if you don't take strategic action towards the achievement of your goals and dreams, nothing is going to change. You simply can't attract success, you have to take aggressive action to achieve it.

One of the best actions steps that you can take to propel yourself towards your goals and dreams is to examine what you fear. Is there something that you fear so much that is getting in the way of your dream? Maybe it's prospecting. Maybe it's changing your diet.

Maybe it's getting away from your negative associations. Without reading any further, I want you to think of the thing that you fear the most that is preventing you from achieving your dreams. After you have a clear image in your mind of that fear, I want you to commit to overcoming. How? By just doing it.
You will be absolutely amazed how quickly your life will begin to change if you simply just do the things you fear. The sooner you face them, the better! After you conquer your greatest fear, every other obstacle in your success path will become easier to overcome. Here's a great acronym to assist you in overcoming your FEAR:

F - Face it and don't back down.
E - Extinguish it. Commit to no longer letting fear stop you.
A - Annihilate it. The fear is gone forever!
R - Return to your dream. Keep forging forward towards success.

Once again…just do it! Get inspired to take the action needed to finally achieve the things in life that you've only dreamed of until now.
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Tags: mistake, population, fear, belief, health insurance, dreams, indecision, insurance, insurance car, life insurance, insurance life, belongings, car insurance, hurricane, insurance health, home insurance