The Most Popular Twitter Tools And Why They Are So Popular

By: gmanty | Posted: 08th February 2010

When it became clear that Twitter is a bona fide phenomenon, everyone jumped on the bandwagon to come up with all sorts of tools and applications. There are so many out there to choose from, wading through them can be quite a job in itself. One of the first things many new to Twitter complain about is that once you begin following and being followed, response can be overwhelming. So, many tools focus on organization and filtering. Others are time savers that let you make the most of Twitter without having to constantly be on it. To help you out, here are a few of the most popular Twitter tools and the cool things they can do for you and your business.

Tweetdeck is a kind of overall organizer that connects you with contacts over Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. With the browser you can create groups, filter tweets, and keep up with favorite subjects. The easy to navigate screens spread everything out in front of you so you can reply, direct message, retweet, add to favorites, etc.

Twhirl ranks almost as high on popularity lists as Tweetdeck, but also allows you to manage more than one account within one application. For those with multiple businesses, blogs, or just want to keep a private and a public account, this is for you.

Tweepler is a tool that helps you organize your followers and decide if you want to follow them back, or just ignore them. It gives you helpful stats about followers and generally streamlines the decision making process.

Twitpic allows you to post pictures on Twitter. You can post via your phone, their API, or the Internet. Useful for both social and business activity, this application pretty much speaks for itself. After all, a tweet is a maximum of 140 characters, and a picture is worth a thousand words!

Twitoria helps get rid of clutter by scanning your account to see who has been inactive for certain periods of time. It can also help you track down spammers.

Twitpay lets you give and receive payments via your Paypal account. It makes payments incredibly easy and mobile, no need to use your desktop or laptop.

Twitter to WP/ WP to Twitter; great for bloggers, Twitter to WP posts your tweets on the sidebar of your WordPress blog. WP to Twitter sends an automatic update when you post something new on your blog.

Twit(url)y tracks the urls that are currently being twittered about. Use this site to see who's got the most talked about sites and what's on the minds of Twitter users. It tells you who has the most active tweets in real time.

MrTweet calls itself "your personal networking assistant." Use it to find which conversations are most important and relevant to you. It can help you track your relationships discover new networking opportunities.

These are just a small slice of the incredible tools available to make your Twitter account work harder for you. Adding just a few of the applications to the already powerful Twitter can make the difference between just doing well, and being a huge success.
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Tags: phenomenon, popularity, job, screens, decision making process, bandwagon, business activity, periods, all sorts, followers, paypal, clutter, cool things, api, tweet, twitter, tweets