How Do I Get The Best Time Warner Cable Package?

By: terry jennings | Posted: 08th February 2010

HDTV is here for good. With costs anywhere from a few hundred dollars up into the thousands, it's important to do your research and find an equitable review. Even though the salesman at your local radio shack is probably a good guy, you can often find some outstanding HDTV deals on the Internet as well if you know what to search for. You want to know stuff like the kind of HDTV you want, which resolution you desire, what inputs the TV has, the right viewing angle, and the best contrast proportion to get. If all that makes you confused don't let it. I am here to help make sense of all of the tech jargon and find the right television for you.

Most likely you're a digital cable television or satellite customer. Either way, the first thing you should do is find out what kind of HD channel lineup your cable or satellite supplier delivers. Many major digital cable service suppliers like Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Charter, and Cox have great high-definition channel packages with some great specials and rates for new customers. Dish Network and DirecTV have the satellite picture take care of with equally strong HD tiers. Your cable and satellite company should have just about every HD channel now broadcast available, but ensure just in case before you get a new HDTV.

Once you have gotten a great high-definition channel deal from you cable or satellite provider, you'll need to choose whether you want to go with LCD, LED, plasma, or projection. Rear-projection based HDTV's are based on the oldest technology and usually have lower resolutions, contrast proportions and viewing angles. I usually counsel staying away from rear-projection HDTV's, but if price is a large hurdle you can find some really good deals on rear-projection TVs and you can at least get in the high-def world. If your budget is not as restricted, most HDTV's produced today are LCD based. There's wide selection of LCD HDTV's available but for the top picture target television's that have a 1080p resolution and stay away from 720p screens. These numbers refer to the screen resolution and determine how sharp your picture will be. 1080p is the best and suggested for almost everyone. You will find some HDTV's that advertise a 1080i resolution. Although it's often a better picture than 720p, the "i" in 1080i suggests that it's an "interlaced" resolution which isn't as smooth or clear as a 1080p "progressive-scan" picture. if you find a great offer on a 1080i HDTV, the price difference may be worth the slightly lower picture quality. Plasma screen HDTV's were the first high-res sets that truly made everybody see what a difference HD made. The first plasma televisions produced, though, were phenomenally pricey costing thousands of dollars. Today, with competition from LCD HDTV's, the prices have come down considerably. Both plasma and LCD screens have advantages and disadvantages over one another and usually it comes down to your own preference. LED HDTV's are the latest technology in the market. LED screens are LCD's that make use of LED back-lighting to raise color range and contrast ratio while reducing power usage. Of course they cost more than standard LCD HDTV's and are targeted to those hunting for the newest and greatest. For television connoisseurs, though, LED's offer the best picture and the narrowest profiles you can currently order.

After you have concluded which HDTV format is right for you it is time to look at the little features and ensure the TV you're thinking about buying has what you want. Ensure the HDTV's you're looking at has all the connections you would like. These include audio and video input/outputs and PC connections. Next, read the fine print for the TV's biggest viewing angle. This is how far you can be from the side of a television and still see a sharp picture. The bigger the viewing angle the better the HDTV and the more places in your living room you can enjoy the picture besides in front of it. Lastly, have a look at the HDTV's contrast ratio. This is a benchmark of how bright the color range is. Ideally you want a high contrast ratio, but because each manufacturer may employ a different system for figuring out the ratio you usually have to choose for yourself by taking a look at the picture. Stay away from televisions that produce blacks that appear grey or whites that are lifeless and lack "pop".

Even with all the confusing promoting hype the final analysis is HDTV is amazing. Prices have come down seriously over the last couple of years and curretnly you can purchase a large TV and easily stay under the $1500 price mark. But if you do not have a clue about what to look for you can end up with a poor picture with faded out colors. I'm hoping my article has helped you know precisely what to search for when you head online or to the electronics store for a new television. When you get the right HDTV it will change forever how you watch television.

Read Terry Jennings reviews if you are looking for Time Warner Cable Bundle Deals or Time Warner Communications Service to find the best deals!
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Tags: target, tiers, dish network, good deals, hurdle, high definition, comcast, service suppliers, high def, radio shack, satellite provider, time warner cable, lcd hdtv