Uncover the Best Body Moisturizing Cream

By: Laurel Levine | Posted: 05th February 2010

Did you know the best body moisturizing cream will feature all natural ingredients that will revitalize your skin, and cause lasting changes in your appearance? In order for this change to be possible only the highest quality compounds possible must be used to make the product. The components that you need are protein complexes, enzymes, and plant derived oils, waxes, and extracts.

A product like this is ideally what you need, but not one you are likely to find. The truth is that the vast majority of the skin care formulas on the market do not offer you the quality, effective ingredients you need in order to enjoy healthy, younger looking skin. The compounds used to make most skin care formulas are chosen because they are easy to obtain, and they are cheap.

You will find that most of the products being marketed as the best body moisturizing cream available contain little more than chemical agents, and low potency synthetics. These anti aging skin care formulas do not even offer you anything capable of making your skin look younger. They also typically include moisturizing compounds that can leave your skin in worse shape than if you used nothing at all.

The formulas that promise to reduce your wrinkles through the topical introduction of animal derived collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are a complete scam. Most people are convinced that these formulas will help them achieve smoother, younger looking skin, but the truth is that these ingredients are not absorbable. They are far too molecularly dense to allow penetration of the skin to be possible.

The fact that these compounds are impossible to break down into a form that the skin can absorb has been known by scientists for quite some time. The cosmetics industry fools their customers into believing that a product containing collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are best body moisturizing cream. They then fill the product with astringents to cause the skin tissue to contract, which give the user the illusion that these compounds are actually doing some good.

The petroleum based moisturizers mineral oil, paraffin wax, and petrolatum can barely penetrate the skin any better than these faux firming compounds can. All they will do for you is clog your pores, and cause the sebaceous glands to lower the production of your skin's natural oil. You need plant based ingredients for moistening your skin like grape seed oil, jojoba, and the olive oil derivative Olivem 800.

In order to help you to achieve firmer, smoother skin the best body moisturizing cream will feature the protein complex and enzyme fusion Cynergy TK, and a kelp extract called Phytessence Wakame. These effective compounds work together to significantly enhance the production of collagen and elastin, and to increase your hyaluronic acid by diminishing the degradation caused by damaging enzymes.

So there you have it. You only want the best body moisturizing cream that money can buy. That means that the products you use will have only the most effective compounds available for treating your skin. Formulas featuring Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame offer absolutely everything you need to be successful in transforming your skin.

To learn more about unique ingredients for healthy skin, and other incredible substances you've probably never heard of, visit my website today.

Laurel is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research: http://www.beautiful-skin-site.com. About the Author
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Tags: quite some time, enzymes, aging skin care, skin tissue, anti aging skin care, anti aging skin, wrinkles, natural ingredients, potency, extracts, fools, hyaluronic acid, cosmetics industry, synthetics, waxes, astringents, collagen elastin