Can Nightmares In Young Children And Bed Wetting In Kids Be Cured By Hypnosis?

By: mmnewbold | Posted: 03rd February 2010

Michelle Gets A Midnight Surprise And Contemplates Her Childs Nightmares

Don't you just hate it when you get woken up in the middle of the night by a sobbing child! Especially if it's for bed wetting reasons, and you have to do a bit of nocturnal bed sheet changing while you are half-asleep.

I have been there and done that, and I thank God that we are past that stage now. But sometimes we still have an occasional nightmare to contend with, which usually results in me cuddling my son back to sleep with re-assuring stories and funny jokes.

However, I do still have conversations in the school playground from fellow parents who are still suffering from bed wetting in kids. One parent in particular told me she cured her son's bedwetting through using a hypnosis CD. This made me curious, so I had a search around on the internet for some information about hypnosis for children.

Hypnosis for Children. Could This Be A Cure For Bed Wetting And Nightmares In Young Children?

There are more and more children who are feeling the effects of broken sleep due to bed wetting or having nightmares. In a 1997 survey, it showed results that there are 11 percent of children ages 5 to 12 who cannot sleep well at night, 7 percent would wake up at the middle of the night, 17 percent would have difficulties waking up the next day and another 17 percent would feel extremely exhausted.

Night time waking among children is attributed mainly to the childs nightmares. These may be an effect of several factors like environmental aspects, or consumption of caffeine containing drinks. Children who go to sleep late of course tend to wake up late.

Hypnosis for children is used to help children relax or calm down before bedtime. In contrast to what you may think, you do not have to be asleep to be affected by hypnosis, but in a deep state of relaxation. The subconscious is more receptive to suggestion during this period.

There are also visualization techniques you can use with your child in which the mind can be programmed to shrug off the negative thoughts and feeling that bring on nightmares or bedwetting. You can take sessions personally from a qualified practitioner who will also give you some tips to use at home, or buy a specialised CD or DVD that have been produced with children in mind.

Regarding bedwetting, one out of three children wet the bed at age six. Hypnosis can also be used to resolve bedwetting problems. There are several CDs available where children could listen to stories especially geared towards solving this problem. Some parents discover that aside from removing bed wetting problems, children also started to:

- Appreciate themselves more
- Discover unique abilities
- Deal with sadness in a healthier manner
- Handle constructive criticisms well
- Achieve a feeling of well-being and self-control

Usually hypnosis for children is used in its gentler form, most hypnotherapists use the "blow away technique". They blow away emotions and fears that prevent them from sleeping or wetting the bed.

Prevention is still better than cure, so with bedwetting focus more on the success they have achieved for staying dry overnight. Remind them to visit the toilet before going to bed, and try limiting their drink intake during the two hours before going to bed.

So when searching for bed wetting solutions for children, or help for your childs nightmares, hypnosis for children could be a perfect solution.

Here is to nights free from nightmares in young children, and no more bed wetting in kids!

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Michelle, Joint Editor, Cotswold Family Life
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Tags: consumption, nightmare, sleep, suggestion, several factors, subconscious, conversations, relaxation, drinks, hypnosis, bedtime, nightmares, visualization techniques, night time, bed wetting, funny jokes