Can you tell the state of health in the family by looking at their nails?

By: mmnewbold | Posted: 03rd February 2010

Michelle goes mad staring at her nail-bed!

No, don't worry, I don't sleep on a bed of nails or anything. It's just that I have read some articles recently regarding health in the family, I read a lot about health and family life! But this article was about how your general health is reflected in your nails. So of course I have become completely obsessed with trying to analyse every little mark or blemish I can see - I nearly flipped out when I saw something on my nail, but it turned out to be a tiny smear of chocolate spread that I had been spreading on my son's toast! - phew!

Apparently the colour, appearance, shape and nature of the nails give some information about the general health of a person. Nails are examined as a routine by doctors who are trying to get some clues about an underlying disease. The cause for changes in the nail can come from simple reasons, such as bashing your thumb with a hammer, or trapping a finger in a door, to more potential life threatening diseases. Hence the examination by a doctor is essential for diagnosis if they suspect something deeper. For example:

Colour of the nails:-

Nails become pale with anaemia.
Whitening or browning is also seen with kidney disorders.
Taking medications such as antibiotics etc can produce discolouration in the nails. Fungal infection causes black discolouration.
Red dots can be seen in nails due to rheumatoid arthritis.
Thimble pitting of nail is characteristic of psoriasis and acute eczema


But did you know that your nails and hair are essentially made of the same stuff? So by eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals that are important to your nails, are also very good for your hair! You can also take vitamin supplements that contain B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid. There are also a number of minerals that are essential, including magnesium, sulphur, silica and zinc.

I bet you just looked at your nails didn't you? Made you look!

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Michelle, Joint Editor, Cotswold Family Life
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Tags: vitamins and minerals, vitamin supplements, rheumatoid arthritis, zinc, antibiotics, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infection, general health, blemish, silica, life threatening diseases, nail bed