Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Zhou Chunya Arts Review

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 01st February 2010

Any themes presented in oil painting works by artist Zhou Chun-ya have unique style, rich expressions as well as left deep and memorable impressions to viewers. Through his brush strokes, lines and strong color sense, Zhou Chun-ya endowed his artworks with vivid life and vitality.

The unique style of Zhou Chunya's oil painting works is closely related to his career of abroad study at the Art Institute in Germany from 1986 to 1989. During the studying term in Germany, he accepted the baptism of new expressionism which was prominent at the time, which had impacted him deeply. After returning home, with high power of understanding, Zhou Chunya combined the new expressionism with traditional Chinese culture, and the same time involved in the traditional countryside style insisted by artists of the Yuan dynasty and part of modern artists, then Zhou Chunya established his unique concept of painting.

Artist Zhou Chunya believes the connotation of his artworks can be expressed independently, and do not need explains of external factors, he also believes that the connotations of artworks are lied in visual images, rather than the description of things. Zhou Chunya had told me that when he was inclined to the development of images, which includes structure processing, colors, lines and painting strokes and so on, he focused on physical beauty caused by visual sensitivity, he believes his sensitivity is same as other sensitive things. He also described the beauty evocated by visual senses is same as the feelings when listen to swings in the nature and dulcet music.

Artist Zhou Chunya Arts Review:

Zhou Chun-ya, male, who was born in 1955 in Chongqing, Sichuan; In 1982 graduated from the Painting Department of print professionals at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts; In 1988 graduated from the Free Arts departments at Germany Kassel University.

Now Zhou Chun-ya is living in Chengdu city(Sichuan, China), and acted as director of China Institute of Oil Painting, vice-chairman of Sichuan Artists Association, director of Oil Painting Art Committee, Vice-Chairman of Chengdu Artists Association, and vice president Chengdu Art Institute.

Main Art Exhibitions:

1981: The 2nd National Youth Art Exhibition (won Second Prize)

1985: Marching China Youth Art Exhibition (China Art Gallery)

1992:The first nineties Art Biennial Exhibition in Guangzhou (Guangzhou)

1993-1997: Post-89s China New Art (International Touring Exhibition)

1993: China Experience Exhibition (Sichuan Provincial Art Museum)

1994: Chinese Critics Annual nomination Exhibition (China Art Gallery)

1996-1997: "China!" Exhibition (Bonn Art Gallery, Germany) (road show in Austria, Denmark and other countries)

1996: The First Shanghai Biennale Exhibition (Shanghai Art Museum)

1997: Red and Gray - Eight Avant-garde Artists from China (Singapore Simin Art Center)

1997: Quotation Mark - Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition (Singapore National Art Gallery)

1998: The East Meeting the West (San Francisco LIMN Gallery, U.S.A.)

2000: 20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition (China Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum)

2001: New Image of Contemporary Painting Exhibition (China Art Gallery, Shanghai Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum, Sichuan Art Museum)

2001: Five Avant-garde Chinese Artists Exhibition (Seoul ARTSIDE Gallery, South Korea)

2001: The First Chengdu Biennial Exhibition (Chengdu Modern Art Museum)

2002: Zhou Chunya Personal Artworks Exhibition (Norway 314 International Art Center)

2002: Zhou Chunya Artworks Exhibition (Italy IRENTO Contemporary Art Museum)

2002: The First Guangzhou Contemporary Art Triennial Exhibition (Guangdong Art Museum)

2002: Images of Concept, 2002 - Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition (Shenzhen Art Museum)

2002: The First Chinese Art Triennial (Guangzhou Municipal Museum)

2003: ALORS, LA CHINE? (Paris Pompidou Center, France)

2003: 6 Faces - Chinese Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition (Poland)

2004: Dragon Dream of Dragon Family - Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition (Ireland of Contemporary Art Museum)

2004: Won a "Literature Award" at 2004 the First Wuhan Art Literature Nomination Exhibition

2004: Liu Wei, Zheng Zai-dong, Zhou Chun-ya Group Exhibition (Shanghai Bund No.3 HuSheng Art Gallery)

2005: Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition (WBK Vrije Academie Hague, Netherlands)

2005: The 2nd Chengdu Biennale (Chengdu Modern Art Museum)

2005: Contemporary Chinese Art Biennial (Montpelier, France)

2006: " Flower or Not" (Beijing Song Garden Art Gallery)

2006: "Fictions & Truth - Contemporary Asian Art Re-Discovery" (South Korea Heyri Arts Foundation Cultural Space)

2006: "Expanding Realism" (Taipei Fine Arts Museum)

2006: Zhou Chun-ya & Zeng Fan-Zhi & Ji Da-chun" Group Exhibition (Dragon People Gallery, Beijing)

2006: "12345″ Exhibition (Yibo Gallery, Shanghai)

2006: Zhou Chun-ya & Liu Wei Group Exhibition (ARTSIDE Gallery, Seoul, South Korea)

2006: "Naked Truth - Chengdu, Contemporary Chinese 6 Artists Group Exhibition (Tangren Contemporary Art Gallery in Bangkok, Thailand)

2006: Zhou Chun-ya New Artworks Exhibition (Shanghai Bund No.3 Hu-Sheng Art Gallery)

2007: "Hua Kee - Zhou Chunya New Paintings & Sculptures Exhibition (Today Art Museum, Beijing)

2007: Starting from the Southwest - Southwest Contemporary Art Exhibition 1985-2007(Guangdong Art Museum of Art, Guangzhou)About the Author
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Tags: external factors, oil painting, brush strokes, modern artists, physical beauty, academy of fine arts