Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Zeng Fan-zhi Arts Review

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 01st February 2010

In the classification of expressionist artists, artworks by Zeng Fan-zhi with its rigorous and unique figures, mask symbols, under the pure and quiet background, interprets the spirit status of nowadays people, just as fidget, anxious. Although taken with some cartoon flavor and ridicule taste , they still give people a type of heavy and oppressive sense. Oil painting works by Zeng Fan-zhi use expressionism techniques of metaphor and symbolic, giving vivid impression to viewers.

Zeng Fan-zhi's oil painting works are very attractive, both smart and full of energy. His paintings giving viewers a sense in a scene with constant evolution and changes, but the change is very subtle, endless, elusive.

This varied visual atmosphere make the viewer feel excited, and to stimulate viewers to imagine the infinite tricky hidden in it, and it seemed that there contains endless stories in that world, and extending out to all sides. Just for this, the picture is just like an exploration area, an exploration-oriented map to guide viewers to enter a mysterious and uncharted territory.

The exploration area here is referred the humor revealed by the picture sketch, which is so vivid and intrinsic natural. In other words, with the emotional sketch, the artist showed rich visual effects, while this visual effect was contained in various imaginative, personal appealing space.

Artist Zeng Fan-zhi Arts Review:

Mr, Zeng Fan-zhi, who was born in 1964 in Wuhan city Hubei province; In 1991 graduated from the oil painting department at Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, Now Zeng Fan-zhi is acted as a professional artist.

In 1990, "Zeng Fan-zhi Oil Painting Solo Exhibition" (by Hubei Art Museum)

In 1993, organized by Han, "Mask - Zeng Fan-zhi Oil Painting Solo Exhibition" (by Hanart TZ Gallery in Hong Kong);

In 1993 , oil painting work "Concord Triptych" won an excellent award on "90s Guangzhou Biennale";

In 1994, participated in the "First Critic Nomination Exhibition" (by China Art Gallery).

In 1995, participated in "Chinese Avant-Garde Art Exhibition Since 1979″ (Santa Monica Art Center, Barcelona).

In 1996, participated in the "China Exhibition" (Bonn Art Museum).

In 1997, participated in "The First Contemporary Art & Science Invitation Exhibition" (by China Art Gallery).

In 1998, "Zeng Fanzhi Solo Exhibition (1993-1998)" (Central Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, ShanghART Gallery).

Most of artworks by Zeng Fan-zhi have been collected by Switzerland, Germany, Hong Kong and domestic collectors.About the Author
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Tags: metaphor, ridicule, artworks, oil painting, sketch, art museum, visual effects, academy of fine arts, professional artist