Printing the Legacy

By: Adam Raj | Posted: 26th January 2010

Printing Was, Printing Is, Printing Will Be

Though we live in times of digital substitution of many things that were common in our lives earlier, printing services still hold their ground. Even though printing services go through different changes throughout the time, we still have books, postcards, posters, brochures, photographs, etc.

Let's take a closer view of this particular situation. There are digital photo cameras, which provide us the possibility to store and view the pictures at our computers, but still there are lots of people that continue to use printing services to print out their pictures and put them in their photo albums. The same thing is about the books - we have the possibility to read books from the screen of our monitors, but actually, there are very few people that really do so. Most people still continue to buy real books, printed on paper and read them this way, holding them in their hands. This also relates to advertising - the Internet comprises tons of online commercials, but people still continue to print banners, posters, flyers, and other things, which would promote their businesses among potential customers.

Probably, the thing is that people consider things that are printed, such as photographs, books, postcards, valuable, since they may not simply store and keep them, but they can rather touch them, put wherever they want, show to other people, and these things start to obtain some kind of life in people's eyes. These things become people's legacy.

Modern progress has brought up new type of printing services - digital printing services. Now things can be printed faster and with better quality. Probably, because people initially want things to become better and better, if there were no digital printing today, we would move to the era of completely digitally substituted books, pictures, and so on. Luckily, there are wise people that have elaborated this new system of printing.

Can you imagine your life with the things that you can have only at your computer - no photo albums, no books, no posters with your favorite musicians or events, no postcards, no nothing? This is kind of horrible. Hard drive can burn, break, or catch incurable viruses, and you will lose all the important data you have on your PC. Of course, there are also possibilities of fire, flood, and other accidents, but they can occur much oddly, than the bad things to your computer's hard drive.

Businessmen do, but for other people, this is the way to prepare the legacy for their children, themselves when they're old, and even for the mankind.

Adam Raj writing on Digital printing, you must like my future posts on Custom Banners|poster prints|Car Signs and more...

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Tags: many things, photographs, brochures, postcards, commercials, legacy, posters, flyers, monitors, photo albums