Recommended Readings for MLM Professionals and Network Marketers

By: Charles Holmes | Posted: 25th January 2010

Reading is one of the best ways to learn new skills. If you want to learn more
about how to achieve success with network marketing, you should commit yourself
to reading at least 20 minutes each day.

Your next goal is to find informative, information packed books, which will
teach you the required skills to succeed with network marketing.

There are countless books available on this subject. However, not all books are
created equal. Listed below are three of my all-time favorites. Each book
provides valuable information on different aspects of the industry. Here they
are, in no particular order:

1. Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard - This book changed my life. This is the
first book I found on "attraction marketing." In essence, this book teaches
networkers how to become the hunted, rather than the hunter.

You will learn how to establish yourself as a leader who others want to joint.
Mike teaches networkers the importance of promoting themselves, rather than
simply promoting their business opportunity. He discusses why most networkers
fail and what you can do about it.

If you are looking to build a large network, you MUST get a copy of "Magnetic
Sponsoring." Although this eBook costs nearly $40, it's worth every penny.

2. The Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg - This book is a
fable about a "struggling" network marketer who is considering quitting the
industry. One day, he attends a meeting with the "Greatest Networker in the

He spends a weekend with successful networker. What he learns is that he should
know what he wants and make a careful plan and work hard to get it. He should
understand that success does not come by downgrading competitors but rather by
helping others succeed. He learns that he only needs to find four or five other
serious people and help them succeed. By doing that, he will get what he wants.

The book covers the "big picture" about your "why" for building a large
business. It is by no means a "how to" book, but every MLM professional should
own a copy of this classic book.

3. Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell - I first read this
book in 2002, when I first got involved in MLM. First of all, Mark Yarnell is a
MLM legend. In fact, he's already been inducted into the network marketing
"Hall of Fame." In other words, he's been there and done that. He is qualified
to teach others how to succeed.

His book focuses on the required mindset. He also teaches how to build a huge
business using your warm market. My favorite part of the book is how he shows
you how to create a name list of 2,000 names. Think about what your business
could be like if you had 2,000 people to talk to.

Although many "experts" will tell you that building a MLM downline the old
fashioned way doesn't work, Mark proves you wrong. In fact, most successful
network marketers built their business the old fashioned way, by working their
warm market.

In summary, these three books will teach you the required steps to succeed in
network marketing. If you can take this knowledge and apply it, you have the
potential to achieve enormous success.

To get a list of other helpful MLM themed books and to learn how to succeed in network marketing CLICK HERE. Charles Holmes is a successful author, entrepreneur and marketing guru.About the Author
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Tags: ebook, big picture, fable, business opportunity, network marketing, network marketer, helping others, mike dillard, time favorites, attraction marketing