We Need Not Make Any Critical Sacrifices For Natural Life Style

By: Andre Monsantier | Posted: 22nd January 2010

Several of us who are leading a decent life may be interested in a environmental life style but unable to settle on how to go about it. There is a simple suggestion for you; get hold of a choice that only the nature friendly goods will be bought from the day one onwards. Not only of purchasing eco friendly goods but we will have to take the decision of recycling the doable products too.

Daily, we purchase canned food items, while purchasing a can of tuna fish have we ever reflected upon how enormous scale catching of tuna fish are going to affect the natural world of the dolphins? When we purchase cotton clothes, how the big cotton farms eject the synthetic waste to the nearby rivers, which are taking them down-stream where they are in excess. Just try to understand these facts and undoubtedly they are not extremely pleasant.

So the products which are produced with the least concern of nature pose the necessary and indeed the essential problems. It is evaluated that farming alone has important contribution by draining out the waste containing chemicals to the rivers. We may not find anything apparently, but it is altering the eco systems.

We feel happy when we imagine the rapid growth of the plants due to the presence of genetic factors in them but it is sustainable. The flows of chemical nutrients to the rivers create a strange phenomenon known as algae bloom.

When these piles of dead algae increases, the area becomes dead zone. In other words it becomes the part in the water where there is no oxygen. This will cause the mass elimination of fish and other water animals. The result is altering of the eco system.

The bleach is also causing similar harm to the nature. They make short term gains but they do permanent harm to the rivers and earth and it will take years to reclaim. If you are determined for eco friendly alternatives, you will be contributing your part to lower the damage done to our earth.

In the Gulf of Mexico the dead zones are growing due to the algae blooms and the people are making themselves aware of green items. Multinational companies are keener on reducing the impact of ecological damages by changing their production lines and adding natural environment friendly products.

You can do your own way to go for eco friendly products. Internet has brought the world at your finger tips, and you can order your items from the easiness of your home.

Timothy Greensland
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Tags: rapid growth, life style, food items, genetic factors, gulf of mexico, canned food, bleach, algae, tuna fish, cotton clothes, eco system