John Beck Review

By: Antwan Edwards | Posted: 11th January 2010

This is a review of John Beck and his real estate program known as "Free and Clear."

John Beck is a lawyer and real estate investor, but most likely you are more familiar with his infomercials on real estate. For some time now, John Beck has been offering a program called "Free and Clear" which supposedly teaches you how to buy real estate at huge discounts. In fact, if you watch the infomercial, you would be lead to believe that you can acquire quality homes for a few hundred dollars in some cases?

So is it for real? The FTC would seem to disagree. In mid 2009, it brought up charges against John Beck, along with a number of other informercial gurus, for making deceptive advertising claims. This should be a huge warning sign for anyone who is thinking about buying this program.

A while back, before the current real estate mess unfolded, I considered buying John Beck's Free and Clear program out of sheer curiosity. At that point in time, I actually did quite a bit of research on the program to see if it was something worth buying. My research seems to point to the fact that at least as far as the front end product is concerned, the contents are of reasonably decent quality. The problem, however, is that after you get the course you will start getting tons of calls from pushy telemarketers who will try to get you to sign up for advanced coaching. And how much, exactly, is this advanced coaching? 6 to 8 thousand dollars is the ballpark range, I've been told.

I believe this is where the infomercial gurus make the big bucks. Even if only one out of a hundred people who buy the regular course upgrade to the coaching program, that is a lot of money. Do some searching on the Internet and you will find a lot of horror stories of people who spent thousands of dollars on advanced training, got nothing out of it, and had a terrible time trying to get their money back.

To be honest, I doubt anyone would complain to the FTC over a $39.95 course, even if the claims made in the infomercials are a bit over the top. I would guess that what got John Beck and other informercial marketers in deep water is the exhorbitantly priced back end coaching products and high-pressure tactics used to sell them
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Tags: thousands of dollars, money, gurus, point in time, thousand dollars, infomercials, horror stories, lawyer, ftc, telemarketers, warning sign, real estate investor, infomercial, current real estate, decent quality