IRS Tax Lien Attorneys

By: Quentin Benjamin | Posted: 06th January 2010

IRS Tax Lien Attorneys

The IRS has an arsenal of weapons used to collect back taxes. If you are delinquent in paying back taxes, you are subject to a serious collection action called a tax lien. You need to help of a qualified IRS tax lien attorney to take action now to prevent having your finances restricted. Our IRS tax lien attorneys and tax professionals at Instant Tax Solutions (ITS) can resolve your tax problems, quickly and accurately.

What Is an IRS Tax Lien?

A tax lien is a legal claim filed by the IRS against anything of value which you own. This can be your home, business, income, automobiles, jewelry, property, etc. A tax lien is a public announcement of your back tax debt and gives the IRS precedent over any other creditors. Our tax team at ITS is experienced in IRS tax law and will help you obtain a more affordable solution to pay your tax liability and negotiate a federal tax liens release and IRS tax lien settlement and resolution.

How IRS Action Can Work Against You

Before an IRS tax lien can be filed against you, the following criteria must be met:

Once this criteria is met and an IRS tax lien is established, it will appear on your credit report. Having record of an IRS attachment in your credit history can ruin your financial future. Your IRS tax lien remains public record until the amount is paid in full. This is a method used by the IRS to embarrass or intimidate you into accepting an impossible agreement. Instant Tax Solutions will take control of your tax problems and expedite them to a fair and favorable solution.

It Is Important to Have ITS on Your Side

Attempting to negotiate a federal tax lien settlement with the IRS on your own can lead to increased penalties and fines, additional financial stress, and missed opportunities. You need the help that Instant Tax Solutions can provide. Our IRS tax lien attorneys and tax professionals know your financial rights and what tax repayment options are available. We will represent you in all IRS tax lien negotiations to bring your tax problems to an end. ITS tax experts are skilled in:

Let Instant Tax Solutions relieve your stress and help you regain financial freedom!

Tax Attorney

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Tags: tax liability, financial future, creditors, financial stress, public record, tax debt, affordable solution, legal claim, tax professionals, tax solutions