Top Mens Colognes

By: Ray T. Lewis | Posted: 06th January 2010

Top Men's Colognes Stimulate the Senses

It is something that all women do--when describing a man they comment on how they smell. If the man smells great, they go straight up about that fact. If the man smells bad, they go straight up about that fact as well, but, of course, in a negative way. It is for this reason that men want to smell good. No man wants to smell like "the old man next door" or smell like he is wearing what was popular in the 1980s.

So what does this mean?

This means it is time to throw out the old cologne and explore the top men's colognes to find a new scent that will make how nice you smell one of your defining factors. You see, it is scientifically proven that scent triggers memory, making cologne more than just a way to smell nice. It is a way to remind people of who you are.

Top Men's Fragrances

There are many men's fragrances that can be considered the "top men's cologne or fragrance." Yes, it may depend on perception, but there are some fragrances that are known top sellers all around the world.

Here are some of the top men's colognes that can pull you from the past and into the present and future:

Which you choose is entirely up to your taste. Some colognes may work better for a date night than others, just as some may work better as a formal cologne than others. The goal, however, is to make a statement by wearing one of the top men's colognes and forming a memory within the minds of those you encounter.

Occasions to Wear Top Men's Colognes

There are many occasions in which you can wear one of the top men's colognes. The first is every day. There is nothing wrong with wanting to smell nice all of the time.

The second occasion is to wear one of the top men's colognes on a date. It is not feasible to go on a date without having a scent that will make an impression on her. As stated before, scents create memories and you want her to remember how you smell. However, she will associate that scent with you every time she sees you, so be sure to wear it to every encounter.

Another occasion in which one of the top men's colognes can be useful is at formal events. When you need to make a good impression, wear a magnetic scent so that others will listen to what you have to say. They will also be more willing to mingle within your circle of friends.

The last occasion is to work. Although you may already be pleasant with your co-workers, smelling nice can take things a mile further. You will feel better while at work, the meeting environment will be more pleasant, and those times when you feel less than fresh will not be so bad to those around you.

The Psychological Effect

Wearing one of the top men's colognes also has a psychological effect in which self-esteem is enhanced. For instance, when you smell good and you know you smell good, you are going to feel good about yourself. Research has also shown that certain scents have an effect on your mood. For example, lavender is known to enhance mood and many of the top men's colognes have lavender in their formulation.

When taking this information into consideration, it is obvious that the influence of fragrance on the mood and emotions is not a concept that has been invented by the fragrance companies. Research has shown that when pleasant odors are introduced to either the left or right nostrils, certain areas of the brain respond with "pleasantness ratings." These pleasantness ratings then have an effect on mood, which is processed by the left hemisphere of the brain.

When pleasant odors result in pleasant moods and emotions, the perception of the person wearing the pleasant odor is then turned into that of a positive impression. Studies have shown that the "attractiveness rating" of those individuals wearing pleasant odors goes up significantly compared to those not wearing a pleasant odor.

So whether you simply want to move to a fragrance that is less "twenty years ago" and more "now" or you want to use one of the top men's colognes to simply smell better, you have many options. All-in-all, you can feel better about yourself when wearing a top men's cologne and you can make others feel better around you. Basically, you can be a walking mood enhancer with the right scent and can add to your attractiveness rating amongst the women.About the Author
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Tags: many men, clove, antidote, green tea, sandalwood, black pepper, cardamom, patchouli, tom ford