Magic Jack Florida 5 Items You Want to Understand That May Aid Your Decision

By: TWedin | Posted: 06th January 2010

1. Magic Jack Florida, cheap VoIP:

Magic Jack Florida, is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) company that will work in Florida or any other state you use it in. What this device can do is allow you to make unlimited long distance calls using your high speed internet connection anywhere in the US or Canada using an open USB port. After plugging the device known as a dongle into your computer, it will run a preloaded program that will start the setup procedure that takes only minutes, you then plug in your existing phone and you are ready to make calls.

When traveling abroad take your Magic Jack with you and as long as you have a computer with high speed internet access you can call the USA and Canada free from any country. Call to other countries can be made free if both the caller and the recipient are using a Magic Jack, Florida is no different, all calls are free. When calling other counties and the person you are calling does not have a Magic Jack then there will be a per-minute charge, which is competitive in price.

2. System requirements:

Operating Systems.

Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista and Intel Based Apple Mac. For Windows 7 users there is an update for Magic Jack Florida Owners.

Compatible internet connections.

These internet connections will work with Magic Jack Florida - Broadband, High-Speed Internet, Cable Internet, WiFi, Wireless, DSL, WiMax and FiOS.

Non-Compatible Internet connections.

Not recommended to use with the Magic Jack Florida with Satellite internet connections like direct TV or Hughes net and does not work at all with dial up.

3. Emergency calls (911)

911 calls can be placed; you must first setup your address during the registration process when you first plug in you Magic Jack. When you enter in your address it is so that emergency services for your local area can be contacted.

4. Area codes:

Availability for area and prefix codes for Magic Jack Florida may vary so check and make sure yours is available. More and more area codes and prefixes will become available as time goes by.

5. Debit and credit card:

Some people who bought the Magic Jack were surprised and upset when the money for the purchase came out of their accounts right after the transaction. The way it works is that the money is actually put on hold where it stays until the 30 day trail is over or you request a refund. The money is not gone it is simply no longer available until the thirty day trial period is up when it is either transferred to the Magic Jack accounts or back to your account. The money is not gone it is simply no longer available until the thirty day trial period is up when it is either transferred to the Magic Jack accounts or back to your account.

They don't make this clear and they should.
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Tags: speed internet connection, high speed internet connection, high speed internet, high speed internet access, voice over internet protocol, voice over internet, voip voice over internet protocol, area codes, direct tv, microsoft windows vista, apple mac