Movies Running 75-90 Minutes - Not Enough Value?

By: Jenni Maloney | Posted: 05th January 2010

Have you ever left a movie or turned one off via your entertainment system
wondering 'is that it'? Seemingly, movies have become more abbreviated in
recent years and less substantive!

This trend, that is still growing, has dawned a new era of sorts whereby movies
really don't yield enough value for the money invested. There is nothing worst
from an entertainment dollar standpoint then feeling 'ripped off'.

It surely makes you wonder if the movie should have been made in the first
place. Kind of like the old saying, 'if your going to do it, do it right'.
From a strictly monetary angle, it seems that the movie production studios will
make movies like this on a more limited budget, but yet the price of admission
stays the same.

Some of the movies that fit this category are spoof comedies, PG 13 teen
thrillers, many movies made for dvd only, and even several with big named stars
in flicks under ninety minutes.

Unfortunately, this is a new and more brazen era of 'slap you in your face'
entertainment and media overall. When many of us were kids back in the 70s and
80s, full movies consisted of at least a near 'two hour' experience.

Now, your lucky if the value you see in terms of running time is beyond ninety
minutes. Is it because the huge studios have run out of money, ideas, or
maybe pressure from the theater industry has lobbied for a more condensed flick.

Either way, it doesn't seem fair or logical as 'many a story' cannot be told in
such a short period of time. In addition, the exchange of entertainment for
the dollar spent is simply insulting to the everyday consumer.

Remedies could include full and visible disclosure on all promotional content
associated with the new release so as to give the ticket buyers a more informed
decision prior to purchasing.

Another would be the more difficult implementation of a minimum run time for
all movies or at least most. Nonetheless, this aspect of cinema should be
addressed as it certainly has taken something away from such an enjoyable

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Tags: period of time, short period, spoof, new release, new era, standpoint, run time, flick, comedies, 80s, entertainment system, running time, flicks