Skin care products versus cosmetic surgery

By: kurtmullins3 | Posted: 04th January 2010

It was a great football game, tied in the 3rd quarter, I began channel surfing as there was a commercial. I came across a show with a character who looked somewhat like Bruce Jenner. Could this be the same Bruce Jenner who captured the hearts of a nation when he won a gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. Mumbling and stumbling around this house with 3 young somewhat attractive females who greatest challenge was if they were going to make their 3.00 pm pedicure appointments. Jenner looks shockingly different then what I remember him as. Was he sick ? He looked as if he was being pumped with female hormones Gaunt, skin tighter then the swim suite Michael Phelps sports, It seems Jenner had become the spokes person for bad cosmetic surgery? Was the pressure of living in Hollywood with a household full of bimbos forcing Jenner to change his appearance at any cost !!

I remember Jenner running around the Olympic stadium, broad shoulders, long hair, barrelled chest. He was the symbol of perfect health. Now he looks as if he escaped for madam Toussaint's wax museum. We all get old, does society really put so much pressure on us to stay young looking. There are various eye wrinkles cream on the market to help hide tired ageing skin. Any anti wrinkle product will work over time but the bottom line is unless your Dick Clarke skin will wrinkle and start to lose elasticity over time. I'm not a fan of Botox either, with its creepy paralysis looking side effect- but it's still better then altering you looks all together. There are as well anti wrinkle serum on the market that claims to reduce facial wrinkles instantly, I guess that would be the first step if anyone wants to beat father time. But once we start looking for youth in a bottle does it not open up Pandora's Box.?

Instead of hiding age why don't we embrace it. Even the best eye wrinkle cream and cosmetic surgery will stop working after time. Wisdom, knowledge, life experience should be celebrated instead of frowned upon. The alternative can be damning. Just look at Jenner.
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Tags: greatest challenge, perfect health, s box, female hormones, facial wrinkles, broad shoulders, eye wrinkles, eye wrinkle cream