Best diets Programs- Is there One Best Diet Program or More

By: Sharad Kumar Churiwala | Posted: 30th December 2009

Before, we talk about best diets programs that could be useful in our weight loss endeavours.

Let us understand that how actually these diets program work. Most of the diets programs work on a very important concept that to achieve weight loss, you need to burn more calories than you consume. The only distinguishing factor between these diets is that way they approach the ultimate objective of burning more calories than you consume.

When it comes to choosing the diets for weight loss, following diets make the top list:

a) Low Carb Diets: Low carb diets are the diets where the consumption of carbohydrates is restricted. However, to compensate for the loss of carbs, Proteins and fat content is increased in the diet. It is mainly used for weight control and obesity issues.
The Advantages of Low Carb Diets are:

1. Since there is low consumption of carbs, it is very good for diabetic patients.

2. The energy remains high of the individuals, who are on diet, since there is less consumption of sugar.

3. Weight Loss is achieved at a good rate.

The Demerits of Low Carb Diets are:

1. Since the consumption of carbohydrates is restrictive the food choices are limited, which at times, leaves the person diet in a starving mode.

2. It is difficult to sustain on this diet in a long term, since the food choices are limited.

b) Low Calorie Diets: Low calorie diets are diets in which the calories levels in a food you eat are less, to be more precise where consumption of calories is limited to 1200 or less per day.

This diet is founded on the simple concept that calorie makes up the most part of our weight, therefore, reduction of low calorie intake will lead in fast weight loss.

The major advantages of Low Calorie diets, is that it slows downs the aging process and good amount of weight loss is achieved in initial weeks.

The major side effect of this diet is that one could develop gallstones. Gallstone often develops in obese people. They tend to develop, when one is undergoing rapid weight loss.

c) Low Fat Diets: In this type of diet, there is restriction on intake of fat especially saturated fat and cholesterol.

The advantages of low fat diet include from having healthy heart to good body in long term. The only disadvantage of low fat diet is that it could be hard to sustain on this diet.

d) Calorie Shifting Diet: As the name suggest, that diet revolves around shifting calories in your diet, so that your body remains high on metabolism. In the process, it disposes those extra calories and this resulting in weight loss.

The advantage of this diet is that, you do not have to sacrifice the quantum of carbohydrates and fat in your food. You still get to eat your favourite food.

The major disadvantage of this diet is that you have to follow this very meticulously which could prove to be difficult in long term.

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Tags: consumption, weight loss, endeavours, aging process, calories, carbohydrates, food choices, low carb diets, gallstones, fat content, proteins, low calorie diets, diabetic patients, demerits, gallstone