Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Zao Wou-ki Arts Review

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 23rd December 2009

French Chinese artist Zhao Wu-ji (French name Zao Wou-ki) is an outstanding artist renowned in the contemporary art circle in the world, His oil paintings, using Western skills with rich expressive forces, express elegant and mysterious Far East Mind, which is so unique in the wave of abstract expressionism.

Zao Wou-ki in Europe has rediscovered the "Nature and Man in One", which is unique in the Chinese philosophy, he giving the spirit of quietness and selfless a Western-style interpretation.

Famous architect IM Pei wrote in the foreword of the Zao Wou-ki Art Exhibition: "I think his oil paintings and lithographs are very attractive, which make me think of the mystery of Kleoo paintings and the conciseness of Ni Zan's landscape paintings at the same time, I can say without any exaggeration that Zao Wou-ki is one of the greatest artists in European art circle"..

Artist Zao Wou-ki Arts Review:

Mr. Zao Wu-ji (French name Zao Wou-ki), French Chinese, who was born in 1921 in Beijing, China.

In 1935 entered into the Hangzhou National College of Art and under the tulelage of famous artist Lin Fengmian;

In 1941 held his first individual art exhibition in Chongqing city;

In 1942, together with Lin Feng-mian, Guan Liang, Ting Yin-yung, Li Zhongsheng, NI Yide he held a united exhibition in Chongqing Museum of Natural History;

In 1947 held his second individual exhibition in Shanghai;

In 1948, Zao Wou-ki emigrated to France and studied at the Big Hut Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1949 held his third individual art exhibition in Paris;

In 1950 he began to take part in the "March Salon" exhibition year after year, and till 80s;

Since 50s, Zao Wou-ki began to hold his individual exhibitions in Paris and New York in cooperation with some famous art galleries;

In 1956 the first series of "Catalogue of Lithographs by Zao Wou-ki" published;

Since 70s, Zao Wou-ki has become one of the most outstanding Chinese artists in Paris, and has gained great reputations in the world's art community; his artworks have been collected by some wellknown museums in the world; and has published dozens of Album of Paintings by Zao Wou-ki ;

In 1998-1999, Paintings by Zao Wou-ki Retrospective Exhibition was held in Shanghai Museum and China Art Gallery.About the Author
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Tags: beijing china, famous art, oil paintings, museum of natural history, academy of fine arts, art exhibition, landscape paintings