Most Underrated Movies Ever!

By: Jenni Maloney | Posted: 22nd December 2009

There certainly are high and low degrees of overblown hype and under promoted
gem type films that stick in your mind like a hot brand. There is something
dynamically special about these movies that makes them even that much more
unique in that they are not necessarily pegged as super films.

So, without further delay, lets get into the meat of the discussion with the
flicks that hold more than just their water. The first movie that has a
fabulous storyline and even better characters.

The movie is Simple Plan and the environment it is set in a winter like setting
that is somewhat rural in Minnesota, but extremely psychological indeed. It is
about 3 men who (2 brothers) who stumble upon a crashed plane in the woods.

Inside, there is a large sum of money and all they have to do is ride out the
investigation, seems simple right? Nonetheless, with all of the ethical
opinions involved, things get very intense. With a cast made up Billy Bob
Thornton (playing a very off center character), Bill Paxton, Bridget Fonda, and
Brent Brisoe, these actors make a big splash in a solid story.

What Lies Beneath is a film with two star studded actors with another element of
psychology and deception involved and is a underrated movie altogether. This
movie is spellbinding in that it weaves the after life with the characters real
life. The main characters are played by Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrision Ford
and they really deliver with excellent chemistry together!

Without giving this well written plot away: it is set on a watery lake like
environment that yields deception between a married couple via the husband that
slowly turns more negative between them as it unravels.

With a mind bending end to the movie, this movie takes a close second for most
underrated movies ever. Another movie but in the comedy genre is Dumb and
Dumber! This movie, while being overshadowed by Jim Carey's illustrious career,
is an underrated classic indeed and to this day, many don't give it the credit
it deserves.

This film in my humble opinion is from start to finish, the funniest flick ever
made but that is merely a reflection of the goofy humor I so often succumb to.
If you have never seen this movie, take some time out of your busy life and give
it a whirl.

Finally, and staying with the psychological backdrop, Vanilla Sky with Tom
Cruise, Cameron Diaz, and Penelope Cruz is no slouch in it's acting or storyline
either. It pushes Cruise's acting skills to the limit with a disfiguring
accident set in New York City. A lengthy movie but worth every second!

All said, these flicks are very worthy cinematic notations of our recent past
that would entertain practically any movie watcher young or old.

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Tags: element, hype, simple plan, psychology, sum of money, married couple, chemistry, actors, films, flicks