Switch Over to Better Food Habits To Ward Off Bowel Problems

By: Arush Keerthi | Posted: 16th December 2009

Your digestive system can get bad with bad eating food habits. The secret behind attaining a good bowel condition is to eat right! You might be suffering from unpleasant abdominal symptoms, bloating, nausea, lack of bowel movement, flatulence, belching, gas, severe pain etc. In order to ease these symptoms you can follow good diet and eradicate your digestion problems.

Depletion of good bacteria!

This condition may be due to an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. This is not known by all. The digestive system contains a variety of "good" bacteria that aids digestion, and they can drop in number due to various reasons. One of the common reason for the depletion of good bacteria is the consumption of antibiotic tablets. Antibiotics are used to kill the bad bacteria but they also kill the good bacteria essential for digestion. Hence there is a need to strike a good balance between good and bad bacteria.

Use probiotics naturally!

Probiotics or the live active culture is found in plenty in natural food products such as yoghurt, soya milk and other milk products. These are friendly bacteria which fight against the bad bacteria and improve the irritable bowel syndrome known as IBS.

It helps in vitamin production, and wards off harmful infectious bacteria. Probiotics are also sold in pharmacies in the form of powder. This is mixed in water and consumed to ease the symptoms of diarrhoea.

Do not eat different variety of food in a day. When there is a mixture of different spices and taste it adds up to your IBS. Eat one type of healthy food at a time and to avoid it. Stop eating oily foods such as chips and fast foods which lacks enzymes in them. Enzymes are required for proper digestion of food and to keep your health in good condition.

Eat foods such as - oatmeal, peppermint , soy, vegetables, flax seed, tofu and artichoke which are easy on your gut and can improve your digestive system. You must have them instead of junk foods, fried items, burgers, pizzas, colas etc. If you like to eat pizza, you can get the base and make a healthy pizza at home, with lot of green vegetables and very little butter on it, don't add too much as it is not good for your stomach.

Certain home remedies are safe and can be taken with constipation too. Green tea, cinnamon tea and pepper mint can be consumed to ease the symptoms.

Arush Keerthi, Expert author. Find more information on: Bowel Problems

Get more information on: Healthy Bacteria

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Tags: healthy food, junk foods, food habits, severe pain, good bacteria, digestion of food, flax seed, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive system, diarrhoea, milk products, colas, proper digestion, flatulence, digestion problems