Tips - Enhance Your Disease Fighting Mechanism

By: Arush Keerthi | Posted: 16th December 2009

When do you turn fragile and weak? When your body has poor immune system and is unable to fight against the disease causing bacteria. The foreign body which enters your system has overpowered your immune system. With this, your body loses the capacity to fight and thus welcomes all kinds of bacteria which affect your health. You become susceptible to cold, allergies, fever and other kinds of diseases.

What can you do about it? Boost up your immune system?

You must learn how to naturally enhance your immune system in order to enjoy the benefits of it. It is a protective mechanism that acts as a shield against all kinds of foreign bodies and bacteria. You will soon become resistant to flu, fever, cold and other forms of allergies. No more fear going to public places, you will not be susceptible to any diseases that easily.

Gooseberry: Eat gooseberry every day to build up your defense mechanism. It acts as a protective shield against all kinds of diseases. It is also rich in Vitamin C essential for your body. Vitamin C is also found in abundance in other citrus fruit.

Mushroom: Vegetable such as mushroom has beta glucan that stimulates the immune system. It is also helpful to kill cancerous cells, due to the presence of a protein known as Lectin.

Garlic: Some of the spices may be pungent but they have a host of health benefits. Garlic is one such spice used commonly in your kitchen. If it is eaten raw it helps fight BP and also common cold allergies and clears your nasal passage. It also reduces the symptom of heart disease and cancer too.

Holy basil leaves: Juice extract of 4-5 basil or holy leaves along with honey will boost your disease fighting mechanism. Nothing can work better than holy basil leaves. If you don't have this plant, you must sow their seeds and reap host of benefits.

Goldenseal root: This is a natural herb which helps boost your resistance to diseases.

With all these you can remain healthy and prevent infections as long as you have them. The immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade your systems and cause disease. The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. This is why it is essential to enhance them naturally! Eat right and promote good health naturally!

Arush Keerthi, Expert author. Find more information on: Chronic Constipation

Get more information on: Irritable Bowel

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Tags: heart disease, vitamin c, garlic, health benefits, goldenseal, defense mechanism, cancerous cells, holy basil, kinds of diseases, citrus fruit, mushroom, foreign bodies, nasal passage, natural herb, kinds of bacteria