What Every Business Man Should Know About Small Business Tax Deductions

By: Ron Mueller | Posted: 16th December 2009

Part of your responsibility as a small business owner who runs a business from home is to know the tax advantages and liabilities that are associated. It is vitally important to understand what tax responsibilities you will have before going into any business, but just as important is understanding the major small business tax deductions available to a HBB.

Small business tax responsibilities are extremely important to know about. Ignoring your tax responsibilities could result in serious penalties . And, in addition to that, any illegal actions -- even if they are due to lack of knowledge -- can lead to civil penalties. Equally important is understanding the substantial tax deductions available to home-business owners. Not understanding them can cause you to overpay your taxes by as much as $5,000 or more every year.

Marketing Costs

A lot of home business owners tend to forget about this, but you can actually deduct your advertising or marketing costs from your taxes. Your advertising or marketing costs may include business cards, signs to put on your car, promotional flyers, and clothing with your company's logo embroidered on it.

Some Personal Expenses become Business Deductions

Since you're running your business from home, a portion of your rent, utilities, insurance, repairs and maintenance may also become tax deductible expenses, as long as you use a portion of your home for on a regular and exclusive basis for business purposes.

Depreciating Furniture

The furniture that you're using part time for business purposes can also be partially tax deductible. You get this deduction by depreciating a portion of the total cost of the furniture over a period of years.

Ron Mueller, a businessman has provided more information about small business tax deductions at his website www.HomeBusinessTaxSavings.com. Log on to the website www.HomeBusinessTaxSavings.com and get more information NOW.
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Tags: business cards, small business owner, businessman, website www, home business owners, business from home, business purposes, liabilities, personal expenses