Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Work? - Or Not?

By: Ken Aurelia | Posted: 16th December 2009

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a popular on line dieting system. Does it really work?


"Calorie shifting" is the central idea. Calorie shifting distributes your daily intake of food into smaller, more frequent meals. You are told to eat 5-6 smaller meals versus 3 heavy ones. If you do this, they say, your body will store less fat and you will burn the fat you currently have.

The website talks about how "calorie shifting is different than normal diets (low fat, low carb, and low calorie).

They say low-calorie doesn't work because dramatically reducing your calorie intake causes your body to lower its metabolism. This makes fat loss very difficult.

Low fat diets would work if people ate the same amount of the low fat product as the regular product - but often they end up eating more of the low fat version.

And low-carb diets are not a good idea, they say, because they produce such strong cravings that it is very difficult to stick to the diet.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots idea is to have you consume a normal healthy number of calories (so your metabolism doesn't slow down) and a normal healthy number of carbohydrates and fats (so you do not get uncontrollable cravings.)


The Fat Loss 4 Idiots system is an extremely effective way to lose weight, IF you can commit to following the plan. The biggest reasons diets fail is because people stop following the programs a couple of days in. This happens where the program is too complicated or overly restrictive.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots removes all the complexity. The Diet Generator software makes your custom meal plans for you based on several factors such as activity level, height, weight, food likes and dislikes, etc. All the prep work is automated. You simply make the food and eat it.

Remember that you may not necessarily lose "9lbs in 11 days", as the advertisements say. Every body is different so you may take some days or a week longer to get to your goal. However, if you are consistent, you definately WILL lose weight.

Many people have commented that Fat Loss 4 Idiots does not "feel like a diet" but more like eating healthy. It is much different than the "starvation" approach of many diets.


No. First, you need to be able to access the internet on a regular basis. You will be using the "diet generator" to make your meal plans.

Also, if you think you need an actual coach to push and motivate you, this program is not for you. The system is presented clearly and is easy to follow but it is not the same as a live counselor. If you feel you need a coach, Jenny Craig or a similar diet is the way to go.

If you are serious about wanting to lose weight and will commit to changing what you eat for a minimum of 2 weeks, Fat Loss 4 Idiots can help you reach your goal quickly and inexpensively.

Get instant access to the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet at => Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet

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Tags: advertisements, complexity, several factors, couple of days, central idea, diet, fats, metabolism, calories, carbohydrates, calorie intake, low carb diets, low fat diets, frequent meals, height weight, low calorie, fat loss 4 idiots