Advertising Income By Helping Others: Alternate Advertising Methods

By: Alan | Posted: 11th December 2009

You send out emails every week with deals for sale to your contact list. Doesn't it make sense to make some advertising income while you're at it? Including small, related advertisements with your already existing emails is a great way to earn additional income with very little extra work.

For example, say you have a general contractor that you use a lot. You're happy with his work, so why not send a little advertisement about contracting needs? You can even just throw in a simple line saying, "Hey, you guys don't know this but Ken Smith is the best contractor around. You have to use his services." And so forth. You are recommending his services and giving out his contact information…and Ken gets you a couple hundred dollars. Ken gets some advertising and your contacts find a referral.

Another example is sending out advertisements for other investor services. You could say, "Hey, did you know that Dan Jones has websites for investors? You might want to check this guy out for a quick and easy website solution." Think of the services you use as a real estate investor and these are the types of advertisements you could include in your emails.

That's what you call advertising income. Investors, along with finding property deals, want products and services that help them with their investing. There's no reason, if you have your contact list, to not slip in a little email here and there advertising services those investors are searching for.

You can get paid simply for passing along a helpful tip. Some will take notice of your advertisements, some won't. Even if just one person pays attention to your advertisement, you still get paid for it.

Just a word of caution: don't get too carried away with your advertising income. Your primary business concern is still finding buyers, investors, and sellers. But a little extra cash from a few simple advertisements is a nice way to help yourself, as well as those you are advertising for.
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Tags: email, extra cash, advertisements, caution, advertisement, advertising services, investors, referral, real estate investor, couple hundred, additional income, contact list, general contractor, business concern, property deals