Himfr.com reports 2009 a banner year for clean energy

By: chenxiao | Posted: 10th December 2009

Late 08 saw the launch of a massive fiscal stimulus package to help China overcome the worst of the global financial crisis. The government also took the chance to give a boost to industries favoring cleaner energy and lower pollution.

China's nuclear power capacity increased by 30 million kilowatts in 2009, equal to the total power increase in the past two decades. Newly added wind power amounted to 6 million kilowatts, making China the world third-largest wind power generator. And hydro-power grew by 15 million kilowatts, the same capacity as a Three-Gorges dam, which is the world largest hydro-power project.

Shi Lishan, Deputy Head of Department of New Energy, State Energy Bureau said "This year, clean energy accounted for 35 percent of newly increased power capacity, compared to 29 percent last year. "

In China's stimulus plan, fiscal support has favored low-emission industries, while penalizing energy intensive and high-polluting industries.

Zhang Liqun, Researcher of Development Research Center, State Council said "In the 4 trillion yuan fiscal stimulus plan, 210 billion yuan was invested in energy efficient and eco-system projects, and 30 billion yuan was dedicated to emissions reductions. That means energy efficiency remains important to China, even when economic recovery was the top priority."

In 2009, China shut down small coal-fired plants with 55 million kilowatts or less of capacity. The government also offered subsidies of 300 million yuan for 100 million energy-saving light bulbs, saving 29 billion kilowatt hours, equivalent to a half years of power generation at the Three-Gorges dam.

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Tags: kilowatts, energy saving light bulbs, saving light bulbs, fiscal support, professional editor, hydro power, kilowatt hours, global financial crisis, stimulus package, trade platform