Organo Gold

By: Shawn Wallace | Posted: 10th December 2009

What is OrGano Gold:

OrGano Gold was founded on a idea to create a vehicle for the people of the world to be able to reach their full potential. One of the most amazing botanicals on Earth, Ganoderma Lucidum, serves as the cornerstone of a line of products that will allow for maximum physical potential. The network distribution system delivers these products in a cost-effective manner.
The innovative team behind OrGano Gold has decades of proven success. Their combination of vision, strategic planning, experience within and outside the industry and focus on quality products and people will position OrGano Gold to become a worldwide multiple category creator.

'What Makes OrGano Gold Products

Organo Gold is a healthier coffee. Almost everyone knows that regular coffee may have some negative side effects like: jitters, upset stomach and that afternoon caffeine crash, right?
Well, how about putting a fine, fully flavored gourmet coffee, one infused with one of the most powerful herbs ever known to man.

OrGano Gold Income Opportunity
'Coffee' Is Big business? You may be thinking to yourself, 'I never expected a business where people could make money to be related to coffee.' How much money can there really be in coffee?'Let me answer that last question first.'

A LOT!' In fact, that famous national chain store you see all over the place, those stores average $755,000 each in sales every year! and unlike most of the other chains, "Greenbucks" own ALL of their own stores,'you couldn't get one for any price.'But, you could start up one of the lesser coffee chains but those would set you back a minimum of $200,000.

Virtually everyone drinks coffee.' And even for the tiny, tiny minority who may not drink coffee, they'd have to be from the moon to not at least several other people who drink coffee ... and they probably drink mutiple cups every day.

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Tags: strategic planning, distribution system, focus on quality, cornerstone, decades, stomach, income opportunity, quality products, drinks, last question, gourmet coffee, jitters, botanicals, chains, herbs