Various Infertility Cures to Consider

By: alice brown | Posted: 08th December 2009

Infertility is the condition wherein a couple is not able to conceive. This can pose a big problem between married couples. The husband can be infertile if there is a problem with his sperm. This can either be lack of sperm or a problem with sperm motility. For the wife, she can have problems with ovulation, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and hormonal defects. And there can be cases wherein these conditions do not exist between the married couple but they are still unable to conceive.
Because of the growing problem with infertility, many infertility cures were discovered and formulated. Conventional therapies for infertility are surgery and drugs.
Surgery. Performing reproductive surgery for men or women is an infertility cure. Surgery is used in 85% to 90% of infertility cases. For men, a vasectomy reversal and varicocele repair may be performed as infertility cure. For women, it can be removal of fibroids or endometriosis implants.
Drugs. There are drugs used as infertility cure. Some drugs were formulated to stimulate the production of eggs. Examples of these are Serophene, Clomid, Repronex, and Pergonal. Clomiphene is used as the first-line treatment for ovulation problems in women. Clomiphene was established to stimulate ovulation in 60% to 85% of infertile women. And around 30% to 40% usually becomes pregnant. The risk of taking drugs as infertility cure is the likelihood of producing more than one fetus.
Assisted reproductive technology. This is the newest technology in infertility cure. Assisted reproductive technology is performed when all other treatments have been used and the couple still cannot conceive. Assisted reproductive technology procedures are in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, blastocyst culture, cryopreservation, and artificial hatching.
These are the different known infertility cures. But before a cure is done, certain risk factors for infertility are looked into. Some risk factors are stress, age, smoking, alcohol intake, drug use, and others.

If you are looking for various infertility cures , please visit the site at .
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Tags: married couples, alcohol intake, vasectomy, newest technology, taking drugs, fallopian tubes, vitro fertilization, assisted reproductive technology, infertility, clomiphene