Email Marketing: Tips How To Use Auto-Responders To Monetize Your List

By: Aesha Christian | Posted: 07th December 2009

With the creation of Facebook, Myspace and Twitter aka "social media" one form of socializing has remained to be efficient: email. One person can keep in touch with many people using email. This is great for a business because it is a means to communicate to many potential customers. To produce maximum results one must learn the art of email marketing. You have to carefully introduce products to your list. Here are my suggestions to implement while creating an email marketing campaign! I hope these help!

It is better to provide value and build a relationship with your subscribers first; rather than selling to them from jumpstreet. I know some people aren't interested in building relationships because it is a time consuming process, but I do believe that there is a lot of value in doing so. To adequately market using email you need to have email auto responders to support your relationship building. There lies a thin line between a call to buy and a personal touch. To get the best results your emails should be in the middle of the two. Small touches like manually, not using the auto responder, sending an email thanking new and old subscribers for reading. This gesture validates that you are a human and not a selling robot.

You want to gain the trust of your readers and you do that by offering valuable content in your emails. This way when a product is advertised your readers won't have a problem buying because they have gained a lot through your previous email and feel they will benefit from what you are offering. You want your readers to feel as though you have their best interest at heart rather than you are desperate to make a quick sale. One of my favorite quotes is "people don't care about what you know, they want to know that you care." Emails that provide value with the reader's interest in mind is a sure fire way to increase your click through rate when you offer a product. So be thinking about them when you write. Ask yourself what they are doing on your website and in your emails; what were they searching for when they initially signed up. Relevancy is a very important factor.

Another overlooked tip is the "Welcome" email, which is designed to remind people that they signed up in the first place. The welcome email is also a good place to point out extra benefits and features that the subscriber may not have known about when joining your list. Also provide other ways for your subscribers to connect with you; via facebook, twitter, etc. You should also have useful links to other sites such as your blog or website. Your welcome email should peak their interest and have your readers pleasantly waiting to receive your emails to follow!

Here are some common mistakes that marketers make when using auto responders:
Providing a link that either does not work or links to a place you did not intend: This tiny mistake can cause readers to unsubscribe from your list or ignore future links because they had a bad experience with a link before. I know that sounds silly, but that is how finicky readers can be.
Spamming: This is useless because the person didn't ask for the email and were not expecting it. So the chances that they read it are pretty slim. Spam is anything a reader doesn't want in their inbox.

The best auto-responder service that I suggest is AWeber. They have amazing tutorial videos and training webinars that teach you how to use their auto-responder service, which will in turn allow your email marketing campaigns to be more successful if you understand how to use the service. To learn more about how to start making a five-figure income and internet marketing visit Training For Optimum Success In MLMAbout the Author
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Tags: building relationships, auto responder, subscribers, best interest, relationship, personal touch, maximum results, heart, robot, email marketing campaign, gesture, thin line, favorite quotes, myspace, twitter