Beta Ray Bill

By: Ray T. Lewis | Posted: 07th December 2009

One of the most unique characters in comics history is Beta Ray Bill. At least, he's one of the most unique fan favorites in comics history. Beta Ray Bill fans can rejoice again. He has his own mini-series starting this month in Marvel Comics. The six issue mini-series is titled Stormbreaker, after his powerful Asgardian hammer.

If the phrase "powerful Asgardian hammer" sounds familiar, it is. Beta Ray Bill has a hammer not unlike Thor's "Mjolnir". It was created by the same dwarf that created Thor's hammer, on the orders of Odin himself. The story is a little odd.

The Korbin are an alien race in the Marvel univers. Their world was conquered by space demons, making the Korbin space nomads. To fight the demons, they use bio-engineering to create Alpha Ray Bill. When this soulless creature proved flawed, they created Beta Ray Bill with a soul. He proved a perfect warrior. Beta Ray Bill eventually encountered Thor. They battled, where Beta Ray Bill proved himself as valorous and mighty as Thor himself. When Beta Ray Bill told his story of the Korbin and the demons to the Asgardians, Odin decided to arm Beta Ray Bill with a hammer as powerful as Thor's. Bill went off to save his people and establish the world of New Korbin. Over the years, Beta Ray Bill continued his contact with the Asgardians.

As the action of the new series picks up, Beta Ray Bill is fighting alongside the Asgardians at Ragnarok. After seeing his beloved Sif die in combat, Thor transports Beta Ray Bill away from the doom of Asgard. Thor tells his friend he does not wish to see him die with the Asgardians, but bids Bill to carry on their memory. Beta Ray Bill returns to his people just in time to see them face their own Ragnarok. They are being attacked by Galactus, who wants to devour New Korbin. Beta Ray Bill is first attacked by the newly repaired Alpha Ray Bill, next by Stardust, the latest herald of Galactus, and finally by Galactus himself. As the first issue ends, Bill is drifting unconscious in space as Galactus prepares to finish off the Korbin.

I'm certain Bill will recover, or else the next five issues will be rather pointless. Whatever the case, it is good to see the horse-faced hammerer back in action.

If you're interested in comic book prices, then you'll be happy to know that appearances of Beta Ray Bill are considered quite collectible.
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Tags: phrase, hammer, doom, dwarf, marvel comics