Foods to Help You Lose Weight

By: Johnnie Mckee | Posted: 07th December 2009

Wouldn't it be nice if every pound of chocolate you ate would make you lose a pound of flab? Well, perhaps chocolate won't do the trick, but new research is showing that there are certain foods that can help make you thin and actually can help you drop pounds. It's easy and long term weight lose.||} "A pound of carrots will fill you up, with only a smattering of calories -- or you can have a pound of cheeseburger, and you'll gain weight faster than you can jump on a scale," says Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD, author of 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman's Diet and Age-Proof Your Body. "People don't gain weight on carrots and blueberries; it would be almost impossible to eat enough of them," Somers says. "We fill up on the volume of food."
But fear not, you are not destined to a steady diet of carrot sticks and bird food. In fact, a wide assortment of the right "thin" foods can help you lose weight. All will help you feel full longer and thus eat fewer calories in the long run. Sorry, until Godiva starts filling their truffles with water instead of chocolate cream, they don't make the list. A good rule to bear in mind is to avoid processed foods, which tend to be higher in fat and salt.

So next time you get a pang, drink a glass of water first to make sure you're really hungry. But that's not the only way water can help you lose weight. Most fruits and vegetables are 80% to 90% er.Another tip: Try a bowl of soup before each meal. Brown rice or oatmeal, which have incorporated the water into them, also work." Load the Fiber - Fill Up Before You Fill Out "People who eat whole grains have an easier time managing their weight," Somer says. "Fiber fills you up before it fills you out." Whole grains have the added benefit of generally being lower in calories than refined (think white flour) grains and carbohydrates. 4 Must-See Articles High-Fiber Super Foods: Find Them Now. {Don't Waite start your new year fresh.. The new year is all most upon us. And those extra pounds are not going to leave on there own. So take charge and begin now. So take advantage , and lose those extra pounds. I personaly have used these foods, and I want others to know and learn, how easy it is to lose pounds. Read and live a happier life and a healthy one. So join us and lose those pounds. So enjoy the holidays, and eat as much as you chose, but remember come the first, its time to start anew. And lose those pounds.

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Tags: bird food, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, blueberries, glass of water, whole grains, carrots, processed foods, flab, flour, brown rice, smattering, carrot sticks