Kids Dish about the True Meaning of Christmas, Moms’ Roles in The Pulling the Holidays Together an

By: kapil37 | Posted: 27th November 2009

ARA Decorating, cooking, cleaning and more. When it comes to preparing for a picture perfect holiday season, there is one holiday elf that is busy at work Mom. According to the kidneys Holiday Wish List and Habits survey, 64 percent of kids say that their moms bear the brunt of responsibility for making sure the Christmas season is bright versus a mere 1 percent who say dad does his fair share.

While the stress associated with the multitude of seasonal tasks could easily turn mothers into Grenaches, 50 percent of kids say their moms handle the holidays like snow angels. Girls are a little tougher on mom with 52 percent claiming mom is a little crankier during the hustle of the holiday season less than 50 percent of boys say so.

This year is kidneys Holiday Wish List .Habits survey conducted annually by kidneys, a specialized youth market research division of C R Research uncovers how and if families share holiday related responsibilities, what is hot and what is not on kids wish lists this year, whether kids really believe in the jolly man in red and what they believe is the true meaning of Christmas.

Our annual Holiday Wish List and Habits survey has become a recognized vehicle that gets at the heart of what kids are thinking about, doing and wishing for during the holidays, said Robin Jaclyn, president, C R Research. The results provide a glimpse into what is undoubtedly kids favorite time of year.

As the primary holiday gift buyer, what should moms be shopping for to give their little angels. It is certainly not clothes, which again appears at the very bottom of kids wish lists. Electronics continue to take the top spot 37 percent followed by hard, cold cash 30 percent and toys 21 percent. Boys tend to want electronics more than girls, helping to vault them to the top spot among kids.

This year kids have gift giving ideas of their own. When asked what they would give their parents if they could give them just one big gift, 45 percent said a vacation, 27 percent said house cleaning assistance, 16 percent said money and 12 percent said time off work. Here are some of the other things kids are saying about the holidays this year.

Holiday Hustle Mom versus Dad

Where is Your Father. According to the kidneys survey there is nothing on the family holiday to do list that mom doesn t do. Twenty five percent of kids say their moms are responsible for buying the presents and decorating the house. According to kids, dad does not offer much of a helping hand with either holiday chore only 1 percent and 3 percent respectively.

A Woman is Work is Never Done . More than half 54 percent of kids say that moms are the chief holiday cook. Only 4 percent say dad dons an apron. And, moms 47 percent not dads one percent clean the house in preparation for the big day.

It is a Guy Thing . Dad is domain seems to be the tree with nearly one quarter of kids saying that putting up the tree is their dad is main job. But, the truth is, dad puts his little elves to work as 50 percent of kids say it is really a job the whole family shares.

It is a Family Affair . Eight out of 10 kids 87 percent say that decorating the tree is a family tradition something they do together. Nearly two thirds say the whole family pitches in when it comes to decking the halls.

Shopping Styles . Mom versus Dad . According to kids, 25 percent of dads shop for their wives the week before Christmas, while another 13 percent say their dads are scouring the stores on Christmas Eve. In sharp contrast, 55 percent of kids say their moms shop for their loving husbands a month before the big day, with only 5 percent who say that their moms wait until one week before Christmas. Less than a percent say their moms are out shopping frantically on Christmas Eve.

The True Meaning of Christmas

Christmas Spirit . Even kids as young as 6 years old have a solid idea of the true meaning of Christmas. According to 70 percent of kids, the true meaning is celebrating the birth of Christ. Another 39 percent say it is being thankful and 37 percent say it is spending time with family. Surprisingly, only 13 percent say the true meaning is about receiving gifts.

Charitable Hearts . Nearly half of kids think of others during the holidays. 48 percent say they would ask their parents to donate some of their allocated .gift money to charity. Of all kids surveyed, girls between the ages of 6 and 8 are the most likely to give up their presents 60 percent 13 percent more than boys the same age. Gifts . What is Hot and What is Not

Stop the Music. Along with clothes 7 percent, kids don it want to see music and videos 6 percent in their heaping pile of gifts this year.

Electronics are Tops According to the survey, the best gifts are electronics 37 percent, with video game systems or handheld video games leading the category 57 percent. Computers and software 53 percent, cellular telephones 38 percent, CD players 32 percent and DVD players 31 percent closely followed those.

Boys and Machines . Fifty three percent of boys age 6 to 11 want electronics versus only 18 percent of girls the same age. Conversely, girls that age wish for toys nearly twice as much as boys 39 percent versus 20 percent.

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Tags: fair share, christmas season, holiday season, kidneys, brunt, holiday gift, perfect holiday, busy at work, little angels