USA Presidents – iPhone App Review

By: melissa21a | Posted: 26th November 2009

USA Presidents (Free)

REVIEW- "Only The Basics for USA Presidents"

If you need to learn basic presidential facts fast, or if you need ready reference to term, USA Presidents is the app for you. When you first open the app, it takes you to a set of flashcards poised on George Washington. Users can flip through these flashcards to reveal the presidents in order, see their party affiliation and date of their term(s). This is the heart of USA Presidents.

Another layout is a list of all the presidents that is scrollable. The same information is listed as on the flashcards. Tapping the presidents highlights them, but does not seem to bring up any further information.

Once a user has their presidential facts down, they can take a quiz. Quiz questions are multiple choice and have you pair up pictures of the presidents with their name, terms dates and presidential number. Other questions will give you a number that you must match with the president who served that term. The last form of question requires a match of name to term date. There are ten questions selected at random and the quiz is timed although it doesn't seem to matter how long you take. The app will automatically save quiz scores.

The number of quiz questions can be changed in the settings menu. Up to fifty questions can be selected. Users can also switch the way flashcards are revealed, or opt to have the flashcards shuffled instead of in chronological order.

USA Presidents does not have any other information other than name, political party, term dates and term number. For the person looking for running partners or fun facts - this is not the app. But for the person looking to finally nail down the order of all 44 presidents, this app will be a huge help. It also has the potential to help end any arguments about what president served when or who was the 12th president. USA Presidents is a fun, if not content rich, little app.

-Melissa S.
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Tags: match, heart, chronological order, george washington, melissa, multiple choice, flashcards, iphone, settings menu