Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Ding Fang Arts Review – Calling with Birth

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 26th November 2009

As we all know, artist Ding Fang is renowned in the art circle for his describing "great soul" on oil painting. From love of wall in the early time to later his crush on multi-layered yellow earth, All the way Ding Fang are always try to dig a type of feeling of overwhelming power on the painting.

More than 2,000 years ago, the famous thinker and wise Confucius once said: "Benevolent delight in mountains, Wise delight in the water". If we do the same understanding, artist Ding Fang may be a people with kindheartedness and justice, at least he kept paying effort on the painting all the way. It's just like he always been strict on others and the same time been rigorous on himself, and can not tolerate any small mistake and flaws.

Artist Ding Fang Arts Review:

Mr. Ding Fang was born in 1956 in Wugong, Shanxi, China .
In 1978 Ding Fang was admitted to enter the Industrial Art Department at Nanjing Art Institute, after graduation, and stayed at the school to act as a teacher in 1986.
In 1987 Ding Fang was moved to China Fine Arts Newpaper and acted as an editor;
In 1989 Ding Fang resigned from the newspaper office and become a professional artist until 1998.
In 1999 was employed as a professor at the Sculpture Art Institute of Nanjing University;
In 2002 acted as a professor at the Fine Arts Institute of Nanjing University.

Artist Ding Fang is an important representative of "85 New Trend Fine Arts", who was selected to participate the "China Modern Art Show" in 1989 and other significant art activities.

In daily life Ding Fang is also a very sincere person. It is said that even on a card game which is simply for passing time, Ding Fang will never forgive a mistaken card played by others easily. To this end, usually he can not help but complaining and denouncing, and even withdraw from the game and left. This is a featured character of Ding Fang, so he is determined to paint mountains, and is the earliest person who choose to live in the Yuan-Ming Yuan Village at the foot of the Western Hills, and not move to Tong Zhou, an area with developed water traffic, while to act as a silhouette of cultural ideal of 80s in the 20th century, and leave the era behind him movingly and tragically.About the Author
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Tags: new trend, oil painting, confucius, card game, passing time, modern art, professional artist