Abolish Individual Income Taxes Free Interesting Article

By: monty111 | Posted: 26th November 2009

You see, we should be very thankful that we are born in this modern generation because of the existence of the Internet. With the Internet, every information (whether about abolish individual income taxes or any other such as accounting, tax deductions, income table tax or even income tax help) can be found with ease on the Internet, with great articles like this.

One of the most frequent requests I have heard throughout my career is "May I have your card?" Whether it's a sales call or business-to-business (B2B) networking, the practice of swapping business cards is the most common way to make an introduction. So why do so many merchant level salespeople (MLSs) arrive at meetings and trade shows without them?I'm always surprised when, during the "get to know you" part of a committee meeting, someone in the room announces they have "forgotten their cards". Or when someone visits our booth at a trade show and is unable to leave a card because they don't have any with them. In sales, forgetting your business cards is like forgetting your pants.

How do you make sure that your card is one of the few that attracts attention, gets kept, filed, and actually used when your prospect needs your product or service?It pays to think about the reasons people keep cards to begin with. Often, it's not for the reason you expect. Understanding this critical concept can dramatically affect the design and ultimate effectiveness of your card.Let's say that you install and maintain swimming pools. You meet Nancy Newcomer and have a great conversation about landscaping around in-ground pools. You're eager to conclude the conversation by giving her your business card because she certainly displays a lot of interest in your service. She's a "hot prospect" for sure -- Not necessarily.Nancy could just as easily be asking because her neighbor has a pool, or because her mom had a bad experience when they installed their pool, or because she's always liked to swim and loves plants too, or because she collects business cards and doesn't have one with a pool on it,

Use your boom cards to introduce yourself to prospects you equate at networking functions, in the park or at your children's soccer games., However, don't be pushy. Make absolute the cycle is appropriate. One way to do this is to ask for the opposite person's card. He or she will likely ask you for your card in return. Another thought is to hand out two or three cards at a time--one for the person you meet, and extras for him or her to hand out to referrals. (Offering to do the same would be the polite concern to do here.) When you go to the doctor or dentist, present your card to the receptionist to announce your presence.Leaving your business cards to sit in a box or a drawer collecting dust defeats the purpose of having them. They are inexpensive adequate to print by the thousands, so hand them out liberally. It's a cost-effective way to market yourself and your business. Be creative and you will soon have more business than you can handle!

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Hangtags.Name tags, Tickets to an event or Tiny greeting cards you might attach to a gift basket or other gift.It's always nice to hand write a personal note when using them as greeting cards. A quick "thank you" or "best wishes" goes a long way. Or, announce a special event and enclose the cards with all your outgoing correspondence. That will make it easy to invite a prospect to your next meeting or to introduce the organization to them. On the front, print a form to fill in the date, time and location. On the back, include a brief overview of the club. Let members hand them out to potential recruits.On one side, you can print your name, address, phone, fax and email plus your business name and logo. On the other side, leave room to fill in the date and time of your customer's next appointment.They will keep it in their wallet or planner and will always have your information at their fingertips. You could also print a map of your location on the back or directions on how to reach your store or office.

They will appreciate the fact that they didn't have to spend valuable time flipping through the yellow pages trying to pick one company to fulfill their needs. With their satisfaction comes repeat and referral business for you. It's a snowball effect that can't be beat!On my fridge, you'll find magnets from Wing Stop and Boston Market restaurants, Domino's and Papa John's pizza, a heating and air specialist, a massage therapist, the local veterinarian, as well as the nail salon my wife goes to. I have no idea when these magnets were placed there, but I do know that they don't move from the prominent spots they were placed months or years ago.Creating Magnetized Business Cards,Now that you are convinced of the positive effects that magnetic business cards can have for your company, what's the best way to obtain them?Option #1: Buy stick-on magnets and attach them to the back your current business cards You can buy magnets of various shapes and sizes at your local craft store at a relatively cheap price.

Yet every time you're asked for a business card, and sheepishly reply that you don't have one with you, you're missing an honest-to-goodness invitation to market to someone.Worse, leaving your business card behind when you may need it is a social faux pas as well.Being asked for a business card is a compliment. Not having one with you at that critical moment is subtly offensive. It puts both you and the person requesting the card in an embarrassing situation. And it non verbally tells your prospect that you're not quite the business person they thought. You're not really serious about your business, or too careless and forgetful to be entrusted with theirs.If you're determined not to be caught "careless" at a critical meeting again, here are some tips to help you remember:Develop a strategy for using business cards to actively promote your business .It may be as simple as deciding to give 5 or 10 cards away every day.

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Tags: business card, existence, newcomer, business cards, bad experience, salespeople, trade show, tax deductions, swimming pools, neighbor, business b2b, ground pools, nancy