Search videos, a reason to go online

By: Mikeshawn | Posted: 25th November 2009

When browsing the internet most people go online for a variety of reasons, a lot of which revolve around finding entertainment and enjoyment. Games, chatting, and reading are only some of the entertainment venues people seek, but primary in this list is the popularity of watching videos. So many times I have friends call, or mention when I see them that I need to watch "this video" or see this clip. Each of my friends it seems has a "top videos" they love, or "Best Clips " from some show they want me or their other friends to enjoy. Even my wife has pulled me aside many times to watch one of her favorites: a video series about a Japanese cat named Maru who does some of the cutest things possible with just a furnished apartment and a brown paper bag.

However, my main dilemma with all these "top Videos" is which ones to watch. Several of my friends just do not have my tastes when it comes to watching videos, and usually the videos they select are of such questionable taste that stay with me long after I watched them, and not in a good way. (The infamous "Two Girls, One Cup" is the best example of this and if you don't know what that video is, you don't want to know. Trust me on this, not having watched it or heard of it is probably the mental equivalent of winning a million dollars.) Yet there is a great amount of humor and enjoyment to be had from watching the best clips the internet has to offer and a lot what people considering the top videos are actually quite good and funny.

When looking for the top videos or best clips there are quite a few websites that one can check out such as , , , if looking for humor, and of course the most famous , which has several recommendations immediately as soon as you log on as for best clips to check out. One of the nice things that each of the sites above has, and that many other sites do as well, is a breakdown of top videos, and videos that people are watching, into categories. There are categories for TV, humor, video games, news, travel, and so many more that it is important to know what you want to watch.

What I've found though is that when a friend wants to show me what they think are the best clips or top videos they usually want to recommend something humorous or unbelievable. Such recommendations for to watch videos I feel need to be taken with a grain of salt and the realization that one person's best clips are not going to be my "best clips". So when I peruse for cool things to watch online I tread carefully as often many top videos can be misleading. However, the cornucopia of great material online to watch has so many top videos that everyone should watch some of them or give them a try. Just be careful what you friends recommend as the best, is your cup of tea.

Mike Shane is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known technology expert and consultant. He has spent a decade in researching technology of new age like Best Clips , top Videos and watch videos written many papers. His area of writing includes internet technologies, video technology , consumer electronics and contribution of video sharing website for internet marketing. About the Author
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Tags: dilemma, popularity, games, browsing the internet, atom, million dollars, apartment, humor, tastes, nice things, two girls, video series, entertainment venues