Very Nice and Attractive Mobile Nokia 3555

By: moonatland | Posted: 25th November 2009

In the specifications, this Nokia 3555 Phone's camera is listed as having a 4X digital zoom, but this feature is basically useless due to the tragic quality of images under the zoom feature. The Nokia 3555 Pictures have decent quality at basic settings, but any use of the zoom or most of the other features quickly deteriorates the quality of the image. Many consumers will not consider purchasing a phone that does not have a camera or video-recording option, and the Nokia 3555 does contain these features.

This Nokia 3555 Mobile Phone's camera does record video, but the appearance is extremely poor. The Nokia 3555 is one of the newer Nokia models. This flip phone has a fairly basic design, but the style is still edgy enough to satisfy some fashion-conscious consumers. Overall, this is not the best phone available, but it is a less expensive alternative to some of the other flip phones with some of the same features.

The Nokia 3555 phone does record sound with the videos, and this particular feature seems to work fairly well. Noises that are clear during recording tend to maintain clarity during the playback. Overall, the camera feature falls short of other phones available.

The settings on the phone are organized neatly and logically. The consumer would assume that this would make changing the features somewhat simple, but that is a false assumption. Some features are co-dependent especially for the display settings, so a change of any particular display will erase the consumer's efforts to personalize the phone. Changing the settings simply requires time and patience. Aside from difficulties modifying the display settings, few problems occur in other setting categories. Overall, the phone's organization is very helpful, if a bit misleading.

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Tags: images, appearance, fashion, clarity, mobile phone, nokia, time and patience, video recording, zoom, playback, decent quality, camera feature, conscious consumers, flip phone, flip phones